ChunqiJIANG / jiang-azur

This is a repository for usage in server space 'jiang@azur'(For internal use)
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This is a repository[^1] for internal usage (Yoshizawa Group) in server space 'jiang@azur' (access necessary).

Start from 2023-02-28

For access to 'jiang@azur' at the first time, please contact Jiang[^2].

It is possible to refer to all the usages listed here on your own terminal if you have a similar environment and OS. Free to ask if have any questions.

[^1]: All Rights Reserved. [^2]: You should know where to find him^.^


Currently released environments(env):

00 base 2023-02-28 basic environment, common usages
01 anvio-7.1 2023-02-28 anvi'o for pangenome / metagenome analyses
02 assembly 2023-02-28 tools for genome assembly: seqkit, fastqc, unicycler, flye, medaka, pilon ...
03 gtdbtk-2.1.1 2023-02-28 env 12 gtdbtk tool for GDTB
04 checkm 2023-02-28 env 13 genome quialty check (checkm or gunc), completeness and contamination
05 pydata 2023-02-28 data analysis using python
06 r-env 2023-02-28 data analysis using R
07 unicycler050 2023-02-13 only unicycler 0.5.0
08 qiime2-2023.2 2023-03-10 env 14 for qiime2 analyses
09 ncbi 2023-03-28 2023-07-12 local blast using blast+ or diamond
10 prokka 2023-07-03 rapid prokaryotic genome annotation
11 rna-seq 2023-11-02 RNA seq analysis: Trimmomatic, Trinity
12 gtdbtk-2.4.0 2024-05-14 gtdbtk-2.4.0 with new GTDB-Tk reference dataset R220 (ver202404)
13 checkm2 2024-06-04 MAGs quality check: checkM2, QUAST, GUNC
14 qiime2-amplicon-2024.5 2024-06-05 The 2024.5 release of the QIIME 2 Amplicon Distribution includes the QIIME 2 framework, q2cli and the following plugins: q2-alignment, q2-composition, q2-cutadapt, q2-dada2, ...
15 qiime2-metagenome-2024.5 2024-06-07 The 2024.5 release of the QIIME 2 Metagenome Distribution includes the QIIME 2 framework, q2cli (a QIIME 2 command-line interface) and the following plugins: q2-assembly, q2-composition, q2-cutadapt, q2-demux, ...
16 metawrap 2024-06-10 MetaWRAP environment, a flexible pipeline for genome-resolved metagenomic data analysis: metawrap-mg, blast, concoct, maxbin2, megahit, metabat2, … Databases installed: checkm, ncbi_nt, ncbi_tax, SILVA 16S
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