CiiM-Bioinformatics-group / CellDemux

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Genetic demultiplexing of single-cell and single-nuclei omics

Contents of this repository

This repository contains a Snakemake workflow that enables genetic demultiplexing of single-cell, single-nuclei, CITEseq and paired Multiome (RNA+ATAC) data.

study overview

Installation and dependencies

Conda environments

Conda YAML files are provided for all the tools in envs/. Users can create named environments from these files by running conda env create -f {file}. These environments contain most of the dependencies but not all, see below for other tools that need to in $PATH.

External dependencies

Some tools require additional dependencies, listed below. These tools can either be installed centrally and consequently symlinked (e.g. ln -s) inside the miniconda env bin directory, or installed inside each miniconda env separately.


For the following rules, the corresponding R packages need to be installed and accessible:

Running the workflow

This github contains a shell script that accepts the following commands:

Running these commands from the top-level directory will execute the appropriate Snakemake commands.

Configuring Snakemake on a high-performance cluster or job scheduling system

It is not necessary to change the underlying code to configure this pipeline to work on a different scheduler or HPC. Instead, adjust config/config.yaml to your needs and the local installation. For many different schedulers, snakemake configs are readily available.

Input and user-specified parameters

The input of the workflow is an excel-sheet that must contain the following columns:

Change the name of the excel sample sheet at the top of the Snakemake file (dmx.smk), and change the output directory here too, along with the location of the CellRanger reference genomes and indices.


Martijn Zoodsma, Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Hanover, Germany.

Principal investigator: Yang Li Centre for Individualised Infection Medicine, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Hanover, Germany.