Cindle / cindle-portal

The Cindle portal is a place where freelancers can easily collaborate, make tasks, maintain hours and share inspiration. It is made entirely with Meteor.
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The Cindle Portal

Cindle Portal is currently in development

The Cindle portal is a place where freelancers can easily collaborate, make tasks, maintain hours and share inspiration.

Cindle Pages

Currently the Cindle portal is build from the following pages:


route: /home

The homepage is an overview of things happening on the Cindle portal. It includes things like:


route: /network

The network page is an overview of all the friends and colleagues in your Cindle network. It is the place to find:


route: /tasks mongo collections: Tasks, Activity

This may be changed to 'projects' in the future, since that is a more encapsulating term. It now shows all currently available tasks on a timeline (D3 visualization). It allows you to create tasks and to update your activity (hours worked) on tasks. In the future adding deliverables should be added (upload with collectionFS or links to github?).


route: /inspiration mongo collections: Inspiration, Posts

This page is a place to share and review any inspiration uploaded by your network. Can be filtered on projects, persons, teams etc.

Account System

routes: /logout

We are using useraccounts:materialize, useraccounts:iron-router in the Cindle portal. Every page is login protected (since it is not very likely to be using the Cindle portal without one.).


Cindle portal relies on the following dependencies (meteor packages).