CinelikeE / DJI-RS-SDK

Re-written in C, based on , to be suitable for embedded.
MIT License
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The source of DJI RS SDK to control DJI RS2/RS3 Pro stabilizer on STM32 with HAL library / RT-Thread RTOS, use can bus, rewrite with C according to (prototype has written by C++).

在用 HAL库/RT-Thread 平台的STM32上控制大疆RS2/RS3 Pro 稳定器的DJI RS SDK源代码,用C重新实现参考项目中用C++的实现

Instructions for use HAL version

  1. Create a stm32 project, enable can1 and setting baud rate on 1M in STM32CubeMX


  2. Add HAL version source, #include"DJI_RS_SDK.h" at you want use it. The parameters of can bus have been configured,needn't config can1.

    加此项目HAL版本的源代码,在需要的地方 #include"DJI_RS_SDK.h",can总线已经配置好不需要另外配置can1。

  3. Use source: DJI_Ronin() at main() to init ,and then can use source of DJI_RS_SDK.h ,for example Moveto();


Instructions for use RT-Thread Version

  1. Add RTThread version source, open CAN device in RT Thread(in this is can1),#include"DJI_RS_SDK.h" at you need

    添加RT Thread版本的源代码,打开RTT的CAN设备(这里默认can1),在需要地方#include"DJI_RS_SDK.h"

  2. Use source: DJI_Ronin() in board auto init like Button_Init() in Ronin.c

    在 板级自动初始化( INIT_BOARD_EXPORT() )中引用DJI Ronin(),就像Ronin.c中的Button_Init()一样

  3. Create a thread, to send CAN frame. can1 device has already been auto opened in Handle.c. So DON'T OPEN CAN1 AGAIN!!!

    创建一个线程,发送CAN数据。设备 can1已经在Handle.c中自动打开,不要第二次打开CAN1!!

PS: 因为手上只有如影S而且如影S并不支持DJI RS SDK,目前尚不能确认can总线上所发的数据是否正确。