CircuitHappy / missinglink

Missing Link binary meant to run on embedded platforms like Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Setting up and building on a Raspberry Pi Zero W

Burn microSD card

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Edit /boot files

Mount the SD card on your computer. You should see a "boot" volume

Enabling SSH

Create an empty text file named ‘ssh’ at the root of Volumes/boot

Enabling UART console

sudo vi /Volumes/boot/config.txt

At the bottom, last line, add enable_uart=1 on it's own line

Enable i2c

In the same file, /Volumes/boot/config.txt

Uncomment the line that contains dtparam=i2c_arm=on

Pre-configure WiFi Network

Create a file named wpa_supplicant.conf at the root of /boot

The contents of this file should look like this:

country=US ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev network={ ssid="your_network" psk="your_password" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK }

Boot your RPi Zero W

Put the microSD card in the RPi Zero W's reader and power on the RPi.

SSH in to your RPi via your terminal ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

Password should be the default password for the pi user.

Get Missing Link building

Install these files to get all the tools you will need to build and run the missing_link binary.

sudo apt-get install cmake git libconfig++-dev libconfig++9v5

Install MIDI support libraries

sudo apt-get librtmidi-dev

Clone the git repo in your home directory

cd ~/

git clone

sudo cmake -Bbuild -H.

sudo make -C build

Run the binary sudo ./build/bin/missing_link

Note: missing_link binary is expecting to talk to an LED driver, LED display, and GPIO expander over the i2c buss. You will have to disable some of these dependencies if you don't have those wired up to the RPi Zero W.