CiscoDevNet / ansible-cisco-cdo

Apache License 2.0
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Ansible Collection - cisco.cdo

CISCO CDO Ansible Collection

The Ansible Cisco CDO collection includes a variety of Ansible content to help automate the interaction with the Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO) platform and the devices managed by the CDO platform.

This is a work in progress and more modules and functionality will be added in subsequent releases.

Ansible version compatibility

This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: >=2.9.10 and should work in 2.9+

External requirements

Python libraries

The needed python libraries are in requirements.txt. From the collection root:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


pip3 install requests pycryptodome dataclasses-json

Environment Variables

Secrets: Cisco Defense Orchestrator API Key, FTD and ASA Credentials

This module is for interacting with the Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO) platform and as such the module requires a CDO API key for each CDO tenant in which you wish to operate. It is STRONGLY recommended that you do NOT store your API key or other passwords in your playbooks.

Use environment variables, ansible vault, or other best practices for safe password/API key usage.

In the sample playbooks under /docs, we are getting the CDO API key and ASA/FTD credentials from environment variables.

In the sample inventory file, you will see where we are also pulling the username/password for devices from environment variables as well. If you wish to get started by modeling the sample inventory and playbooks found in /Docs then you will also need to supply those credentials via an environment variable.

In a bash shell, you will add something like this to your ~/.bashrc file or your shell's profile settings:

export CDO_API_KEY="xxxxx"
export ASA_PASSWORD='xxxxxxx'
export FTD_PASSWORD='xxxxxxx'
export IOS_PASSWORD='xxxxxxx'
export ASA_USERNAME="xxxxxxx"
export IOS_USERNAME="xxxxxxx"

Then either relaunch your shell or do something like source ~/.bashrc

Other Environment Variables

Again, for the sample playbooks in /docs, you will also need to supply the CDO regional instance where this API key was generated (us, eu, apj) and the NAME of your Secure Device Connector (if you are using the sample playbooks for ASA and IOS onboarding).

export CDO_REGION="us"
export SDC="CDO_cisco_aahackne-SDC-1"

Included content


Name Description
device_inventory get inventory, add, and delete FTDs, ASAs or IOS devices to CDO
deploy Deploy staged ASA or IOS configurations to live devices

Installing this collection

You can install the Cisco CDO collection with the Ansible Galaxy CLI:

ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.cdo

You can also include it in a requirements.yml file and install it with ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml, using the format:

  - name: cisco.cdo

Using the collection

"Show don't tell" See the docs directory for practical usage of this collection. But in general, supply an inventory with the needed host or group attributes and run your playbooks.


If you prefer to run this in a docker container, we have included a Dockerfile that will install all of the needed python libraries and the CDO Ansible collection cisco.cdo

Build Docker Container

From the root of the github repo where the Dockerfile resides:

docker build --tag cisco_cdo_collection:latest .

Run the Docker Container interactively

This presumes that your shell currently has environment variables CDO_API_KEY and CDO_REGION. If not, you could always pass those as literals in the docker run statement. In this example we are using the sample playbooks in the docs directory, so we are passing all of the usernames, passwords, and SDC variables that are references in the sample inventory and playbooks.

docker run -e CDO_API_KEY=$CDO_API_KEY \
           -e CDO_REGION=$CDO_REGION \
           -e SDC=$SDC \
           -it cisco_cdo_collection:latest /bin/bash

Test the collection

You can test that the collection in installed and working by getting the CDO inventory directly from CDO without even creating an inventory file by using one of the sample playbooks in the docs directory.

ansible-playbook docs/device_inventory_playbooks/get_cdo_inventory.yml

Contributing to this collection

We welcome community contributions to this collection. If you find problems, please open an issue or create a PR against the Cisco Defense Orchestrator collection repository. See Contributing to Ansible-maintained collections for complete details.


We use Gitleaks to catch secrets being committed to the repository by accident. The first line of defense is before you ever push to GitHub using a pre-commit hook.

Please enable the pre-commit hook before you commit anything to this repository, even in a branch.

Now any commits you make will be scanned by Gitleaks

Gitleaks License

The Gitleaks License is free, and stored in the GITLEAKS_LICENSE secret. In addition, it is saved to Conjur. Speak to a maintainer to access it.

Code of Conduct

This collection follows the Ansible project's Code of Conduct. Please read and familiarize yourself with this document.

Release notes

Release notes are available here.


Additional modules will be added in future releases. These include:


Apache License Version 2.0 or later. See LICENSE to see the full text.