CitrusIce / ImportBookmarksToZotero

python script for automate importing netscape bookmarks to Zotero
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Import Bookmarks to Zotero

This is a script for automate importing webpages in netscape bookmarks to Zotero with snapshot

usage: [-h] [--bookmarks BOOKMARKS] [--errorlist ERRORLIST]
               [--proxy PROXY] [--ext EXT]

import bookmarks to Zotero

positional arguments:
  zotero_path           path to Zotero.exe

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bookmarks BOOKMARKS
                        bookmarks file path
  --errorlist ERRORLIST
                        error list file path
  --proxy PROXY         proxy for browser. example:--proxy
  --ext EXT             unpack extention folder path not crx file

  > python --bookmarks bookmarks.html C:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero\zotero.exe

  # bookmarks.html is the netscape bookmarks file that you export from your browser

There might be some error while adding web pages to Zotero and all error url will be output in error_list.json file. You can use --errorlist options to reimport those url

A post about writing this tool: