CityOfPhiladelphia / ais

Address Information System
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Address Information System (AIS)

AIS provides a unified view of City data for an address.

API usage documentation



Production Processes

This AIS repository is used in 2 distinct ways.

  1. Built into a docker container and pushed to AWS ECR where it will run in ECS. This is done using the 'build-test-compose.yml' docker-compose file, and should be programmatically done in the Github Actions file build_and_deploy.yml If the action fails, you can troubleshoot manually by simply following the steps laid out in build_and_deploy.yml on our production AIS build server.

  2. Installed and run directly on our production AIS build server, where we run various build engine scripts to create database tables from various sources. These tables are then pushed up to our AWS RDS PostgreSQL instances for use by our ECS cluster.


To develop locally:

  1. git clone
  2. cd ais
  3. Create and activate a virtualenv.
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt. You may have to work through installing some dependencies by hand, especially on Windows.
  5. Copy Passyunk data files. See README for more instructions.
  6. Create an empty file at /ais/instance/ To run engine scripts, you'll need to add dictionary to this called DATABASE mapping database names to connection strings. (TODO: commit sample instance config)
  7. Rename .env.sample in the root directory to .env and add real environment settings. (TODO: commit .env.sample)
  8. honcho start. This will start start serving over port 5000. Note that this is blocked on CityNet, so you'll have to be on a public network to access

Docker Container Dev

For building the docker container, you'll need some environment/build arg variables first. Copy the example .env file used with docker-compose and populate it:

  1. cp env.example .env && chmod +x .env
  2. populate it, set the $ENGINE_DB_HOST var to your database CNAME or IP. Note that in our build deploy process at citygeo this is done automatically and is not needed.

Check to make sure docker-compose is populating your args:

  1. docker-compose -f build-test-compose.yml config

Note that you may need to set ENGINE_DB_HOST to a direct IP instead of a CNAME to get it working in-office. Now run the '' script to download CSVs needed in the DockerFile.

  1. chmod +x; ./

Then build and start the container.

  1. Via docker-compose: docker-compose -f build-test-compose.yml up --build -d
    1. Directly:
      docker build -t ais:latest .
      docker run -itd --name ais -p 8080:8080 -e ENGINE_DB_HOST=$ENGINE_DB_HOST -e ENGINE_DB_PASS= $ENGINE_DB_PASS ais:latest` 

If the container could successfully contact the DB then it should stay up and running. You may now run tests to confirm functionality.

  1. docker exec ais bash -c 'cd /ais && . ./env/bin/activate && pytest /ais/ais/api/tests/'


The API and the Engine can be tested separately using pytest after sourcing the virtual environment venv. Important Note If you want to run pytests against a locally running database, you can either set your ENGINE_DB_HOST and ENGINE_DB_PASS parameters to the local instance and password, OR you can export DEV_TEST='true' to have this automatically use the local creds, as specified in your .env file.

export DEV_TEST='true'
pytest $WORKING_DIRECTORY/ais/tests/engine -vvv -ra --showlocals --tb=native --disable-warnings --skip=$skip_engine_tests 

pytest $WORKING_DIRECTORY/ais/tests/api -vvv -ra --showlocals --tb=native --disable-warnings --skip=$skip_api_tests 

To make direct queries using AIS, you can run the following on the dev box:

source ~/.env/bin/activate
export DEV_TEST='true'
gunicorn application --bind --workers 4 --worker-class gevent --access-logfile '-' --log-level 'notice'
curl localhost:8080/search/1234%20Market%20Street | jq .

For reasons currently unknown, the tests/api/ cannot be tested on their own -- almost all the tests will fail with a 404 Response Error -- so all api tests must be run simultaneously.