CityOfPhiladelphia / intern-liberator

Extracts metadata records from the Metadata Catalog
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Intern Liberator

Extracts metadata records from the (Metadata Catalog) (a Knack application).

The goal of this project is to enable metadata to be pushed to CKAN and Socrata.


Optionally, create a virtual environment:

virtualenv venv

Activate it on OSX/Linux using:

. venv/bin/activate

or on Windows using:


Then install dependencies using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, copy .env.sample to .env and fill in the environment variables. You can find the Knack Application ID by inspecting the headers of network requests when viewing a public Knack application (requires no special access).


Output the contents of a dataset as JSON using:

python getdataset <dataset-id> [--format=ckan]

You can pass this to a tool like jq to pretty-print or transform the JSON, then pipe it somewhere else, ie:

python getdataset 5543ca6e5c4ae4cd66d3ff55 | jq '.'

python getdataset 5543ca6e5c4ae4cd66d3ff55 | jq '.' > trade-licenses.json

python getdataset 5543ca6e5c4ae4cd66d3ff55 --format ckan | ckanapi action package_patch -i -r <hostname> -a <apikey>