CityOfZion / neo-boa

Python compiler for the Neo2 Virtual Machine, see neo3-boa for NEO3
MIT License
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Python compiler for the Neo Virtual Machine

:warning: This repository is now a public archive

If you want to write smart contracts on Neo using Python check out the new N3 version: neo3-boa.

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The neo-boa compiler is a tool for compiling Python files to the .avm format for usage in the Neo Virtual Machine which is used to execute contracts on the Neo Blockchain.

The compiler supports a subset of the Python language ( in the same way that a boa constrictor is a subset of the Python snake species)

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Installation requires a Python 3.6 or later environment.


pip install neo-boa


This project contains a Dockerfile to batch compile Python smart contracts. Clone the repository and navigate into the docker sub directory of the project. Run the following command to build the container:

docker build -t neo-boa .

The neo-boa Docker container takes a directory on the host containing python smart contracts as an input and a directory to compile the .avm files to as an output. It can be executed like this:

docker run -it --rm -v /absolute/path/input_dir:/python-contracts -v /absolute/path/output_dir:/compiled-contracts neo-boa

The -v (volume) command maps the directories on the host to the directories within the container.


Clone the repository and navigate into the project directory. Make a Python 3 virtual environment and activate it via:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

or, to install Python 3.6 specifically:

virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.6 venv
source venv/bin/activate

Then, install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The compiler may be used like in the following example:

from boa.compiler import Compiler


For legacy functionality without NEP8 stack isolation compatibility, use the following:

from boa.compiler import Compiler

Compiler.load_and_save('path/to/your/', use_nep8=False)


You can read the docs here.


Install neo-python ( or use requirements_test.txt) and run the following command

python -m unittest discover boa_test



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