CityOfZion / neon-wallet

Light wallet for the NEO blockchain
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NEON 0.1.4 - Unable to claim GAS for months, posting this for months too everywhere, no one wants to help #742

Closed derwen closed 6 years ago

derwen commented 6 years ago

It's actually an issue for me since a few previous versions, I am not able to claim GAS for months now. Everything else works normally, sending NEO, GAS and tokens, but when I try to claim GAS and sign the first transaction it either fails or when "sign second transaction" comes on Neon, nothing happens on Ledger - it's stuck on "Wake up NEO" and the second signing fails in a few seconds at most. Tried reinstalling Neon, tried multiple Neon versions, tried reinstalling NEO app on ledger. Tried another computer. Tried another cable, tried everything. Nothing works. Have quite a few GAS stuck by now. Solution? Why does no one care to even try to help?

So once again:

  1. Claim GAS
  2. Asked to Sign transaction 1 of 2, I sign it
  3. Waiting for transaction to clear...
  4. Sign transaction 2 of 2 to claim GAS --> shows up briefly, for maybe half a second (but nothing happens on Ledger, stays on "Wake up NEO"
  5. Error Claim failed immediately shows up


Hope-its-ok commented 6 years ago


I'm having the exact issue as Derwen. Can someone kindly help us. I'm worried and stressed about my NEO coins.

Thank you very much.

ianaz commented 6 years ago

This happens to me about 2 times every 3 too but then works. There should be something wrong

for CoZ; I could try to debug it in the next days and try to find out why is happening

brianlenz commented 6 years ago

If you're still having issues claiming GAS on your Ledger with Neon 0.1.4, make sure you are running the latest version 1.1.1 of the Ledger Neo app:

You need to delete the current Neo app from your Ledger (using the Ledger Manager Chrome app) and reinstall in order to complete the upgrade.

ArcticSheet commented 6 years ago

I have the exact same issue. I suspect it's a problem with my Ledger because even after I reset my Ledger it still won't let me claim any gas. I've even used Windows and different versions of NEON wallet as well. These are the steps that I've also done:

I'm not even able to sign any transactions (it just skips straight to 2 of 2 failed). I'm copying your problem verbatim because it's the same as my problem: "Everything else works normally, sending NEO, GAS and tokens, but when I try to claim GAS and sign the first transaction it either fails or when "sign second transaction" comes on Neon, nothing happens on Ledger - it's stuck on "Wake up NEO" and the second signing fails in a few seconds at most. "

Please help!

anarhie commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue! I can't claim gas with Ledger. I sign the transaction and is stuck in a verification of the second approval or Error. The transactions are shown in history as 0 Neon. And I can't see the balance of the rest of my tokens. I have TNC.

screen shot 2018-02-22 at 2 34 03 pm

derwen commented 6 years ago

So once again:

  1. Claim GAS
  2. Asked to Sign transaction 1 of 2, I sign it
  3. Waiting for transaction to clear...
  4. Sign transaction 2 of 2 to claim GAS --> shows up briefly, for maybe half a second (but nothing happens on Ledger, stays on "Wake up NEO"
  5. Error Claim failed immediately shows up

neo gas issue

ulmer22 commented 6 years ago

I have similar issue here... since updating to 0.1.4 I'm unable to claim gas on Ledger Nano S (Neo 1.1.1), but I was able to before the update. I've tried logging out and back in, I'll sign transaction 1 of 2 >> receive processing prompt >>after 15-30 seconds says "Error - transaction failed".

tradebully commented 6 years ago

Having same issue here as well. I upgraded to all the updatedversions on Neonwallet and Ledger. First, it takes long time to load the neonwallet itself. Second, when I try to claim the gas it gives me an error message after first sign off. Please help!!!

ncooksammy commented 6 years ago

I am having the same problem. Cannot claim gas. Tired updating the wallet and re-installing on Ledger. Still doesn’t work. Using version 0.1.4

mhuggins commented 6 years ago

A new version of the wallet is coming soon that should fix a number of issues, including GAS claiming.

derwen commented 6 years ago

NEW Ledger hardware wallet. NEW firmware 1.4.1 NEW Neon Wallet 0.2.1

Issue still exists. Can't claim GAS. Same thing happens. You didn't fix anything. :(

mhuggins commented 6 years ago

Have you received a number of transaction since the last one you sent? What's possibly happening is that the new transaction (needed for calculating unclaimed GAS) is attempting to be comprised of NEO across various transactions, and the number of previous transactions exceeds the memory limit of the Ledger.

derwen commented 6 years ago

Can you please be more clear? I don't understand what you wrote or how to fix it if that's an issue. What is the "number of transaction since the last one I sent"? And if previous transactions exceed the memory limit of the Ledger, how would that be fixed? I don't think I have a particularly high number of transactions on my wallet, except a lot of unsuccesful GAS claims, and a lot of unclaimed GAS. Thanks.

Parallelism commented 6 years ago

I just created an account because I'm experiencing the EXACT same issue.

I sign the first Tx and there is no second Tx.... It just lingers then immediately says "GAS CLAIM FAILED."

I literally made an account to voice my support of fixing this bug. I'm not a technical person with computers, so I don't know what to do.

I'm not an idiot however. I have the latest Neon Wallet version, I have the recent firmware for Ledger S, I have the recent manager App....

I have not been in since Antshares, but I bought around September of 2017, so my wallet is somewhat old.

Any help would be appreciated. For those of you who are lurking with the same issue, PLEASE register an account like I did to voice our concern as a community. Glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem....

ArcticSheet commented 6 years ago

I also created a new account just to voice my support of fixing this bug.

Is there anything I can do to help resolve this bug?

derwen commented 6 years ago

I get a new error now sometimes before I'm able to even sign the first transaction:

Calculating claimable GAS failed.

And when it doesn't come up, then it's as it was before, I'm never given the chance to sign the second transaction before GAS claim fails.

Last try with: NEW computer OTHER windows system NEW ledger wallet NEW firmware 1.4.1 NEW neon wallet 0.2.2

Still nothing fixed and problem keeps being ignored. If you cared about it maybe you would care to explain it or asked us some follow up questions to help you solve it?

Error/problem seems to be tied with the address that Ledger created.

Stokiesteve commented 6 years ago

I had been having a similar problem. I signed the first transaction (click both buttons), then nothing. I just managed to claim the GAS however. Not sure if it was a fluke. After signing the 1st transaction and presuming nothing was going to happen I started browsing google looking for solutions. Several minutes later the sign 2nd transaction notification popped up on the screen. I clicked both buttons again and it worked. Maybe will work again, we will see. Try giving it plenty of time for the 2nd sign notification to pop up.

derwen commented 6 years ago

If you get a gas claim fail, you will not get a second sign notification. What probably happened in your case was network congestion so blocks were slow.

ulmer22 commented 6 years ago

Gas claim Success - I updated to Ledger 1.4.1 and the latest Neon 0.2.2 and I'm successfully able to claim GAS again.

ArcticSheet commented 6 years ago

I had my hopes up and updated to the latest Ledger 1.4.1 and I'm using the latest Neon 0.2.2 but it still doesn't work for me...

I'm pretty sad now...

GoldVintage commented 6 years ago

same issue for me... and no fix

Erikdeperik commented 6 years ago

Had same problem. Tried repluggingdevice, then as soon as "sign transaction"appears in screen i accepted. Maybe if we wait too long, it has problems?

  1. So unplug and reinsert after failure
  2. Sign txn as soon as it appears in screen
  3. Sign 2d txn as soon as it appears.

Validation on next block.. hopefully :)

Didnt have these problems before, might be repaired in future updates?

derwen commented 6 years ago

That is not the same problem. If you are able to get "Sign 2d txn" and get it on your ledger you are not having the same problem.

Erikdeperik commented 6 years ago

I couldn't. Even get to the second txn before. It just gave the "failed" msg. Did you try ?

anarhie commented 6 years ago

After 16th tries it worked! I didn't tried everyday and it took a 42 days!

ArcticSheet commented 6 years ago

Nevermind, tried this with a new computer with a new Ledger and it apparently does work.

So maybe this problem only appears for older Ledgers?

derwen commented 6 years ago

Neon wallet 0.2.3

Again, Ledger will not let me sign the second transaction. Will you ever fix this?

GoldVintage commented 6 years ago

Hi, After few days i tried again to claim and the issue was solved. I did not touch anything since the last time... So just wait one or 2 weeks ans try again

derwen commented 6 years ago

Why do you guys even come here and troll with such "advice"?

I have tried this LITERALLY 200+ times on various setups and more than one ledger with my seed. I lost countless hours trying to do this for MONTHS (well almost half a year now). You are telling me to hope for my GAS/money to be magically unlocked and to try again and again when it's OBVIOUS it's a software issue on Ledger side with a ton of people affected with a cause unknown to us and zero communication from Ledger? Are you serious?!

ArcticSheet commented 6 years ago

Hey derwen so I think it has something to do with that specific Ledger you have. I used another Ledger on the SAME computer and the SAME neon version that I was having trouble with and yet I was able to sign the two transactions. Note that the Ledger that I have problems with was bought some time in August 2017, while the newer one that works was bought recently after January 2018...

Oneplus1 commented 6 years ago

I feel your pain derwin, I'm having same issues now.
Really annoying how this issue is not being addressed.

derwen commented 6 years ago

icemat23 - I wrote multiple times, including in the last message you replied to, that I tried MULTIPLE (3) Ledgers, and they were from different batches, including the latest one. It's not a hardware issue. And again - while I appreciate that you are trying to help (if you are not trolling), if you don't even read the problem you are replying to, you are NOT helping.

Oneplus1 - Yes it's getting more frustrating every day. It's mindblowing Ledger support is still ignoring this after months and months. No one freaking cares to at least try and fix the problem. I guess people having their funds locked/lost on a device that's created to prevent that is something they are comfortable with. Is someone from support even reading this messages?! Please let us know that you exist.

stwbitcoin commented 6 years ago

Hey guys, I'm having the same problem. I don't use a Ledger. I'm running on Win10 and the version 0.0.7 of Neo Wallet. This is an old version, I mention this only because the problem only recently started. The problem must be in the NEO network. This is a problem for the devs to solve.

vummuti commented 6 years ago

I am having the same problem on my Win 7 laptop and it was all fine on Version 0.2.2 and suddenly this issue started. I switched to the new version 0.2.3 and the issue still persists. Hoping that this issue will be solved soon.

michaelvf commented 6 years ago

Same issue here - Neon wallet 2.2.3 - lastest ledger fw and latest neo app.

AuronDark commented 6 years ago

we need a fix to this , a administrador or staff fixed please , i cant reclaim my gas ,w happen whit neo wallet

B00mGit commented 6 years ago

MeToo, ledger nano s latest version - Neon 0.2.3

katomm commented 6 years ago

Hello, it looks like version 0.2.4 fixes this problem. Thank you.

derwen commented 6 years ago


d5heilman commented 6 years ago

This did not fix the issue, I am using 0.2.4, I updated my Ledger today, still getting this error. Tried 15-20 times. Error Calculating claimable GAS failed, instantly when I "sign" on my ledger.

bhc303 commented 6 years ago

FYI same issue here, all bits are current offerings update wise.

bhc303 commented 6 years ago

I got it working now!? Opened Neon, then closed once open, then signed into ledger manager and then quit app and proceed to launch Neon and log in via the Ledger. this time it worked! happy days.


michaeljs1990 commented 6 years ago

Strange. I haven't changed anything from last time I did it and it now fails.. Did the core protocol change? Hopefully I am able to send the coins still but I am leaving it alone for now until this gets resolved.

BruinsM commented 6 years ago

Have you already tried sending 1 NEO to your own address before claiming te GAS? I don't know why exactly, but for me that helped. Maybe it's because of what mhuggins said, the GAS needs a transaction to be calculated on, so maybe a fresh transaction works better. You can always try, it didn't cost me any transaction fee

winsonchu commented 6 years ago

I was having this same problem with my nano s. I tried many many many times failing with sometimes different messages but all messages are some form of can't claim gas or claim gas calculation error. Then I tried it with another nano s and it worked on the first try. Both nano s are from the same batch which I bought together. I'm using the chrome app on mac osx.

mattiasghodsian commented 6 years ago

I have a similar problem, it "Asked to Sign transaction 1 of 2" I did that on the ledger after that nothing happens or a blank page.

neo wallet: 0.2.5 (linux) ledger nano s: 1.4.1

After many restarts and sudo to run the neo app i got the GAS. don't really get it

tbull152 commented 6 years ago

i am having the same problem with brand new ledger nano s all the latest software and firmware!!

maslovsa commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same issue.

neo wallet: 0.2.6 (Mac os) ledger nano s: 1.4.2

keslerm commented 6 years ago

Same problem, can't claim GAS or send funds

NEON wallet: 0.2.6 Ledger Nano S: 1.4.2

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

@keslerm NEON wallet uses "Neotracker" as its block explorer by default, and Neotrack is currently down for maintenance. Go to your Neon settings, and change block explorer from Neotracker to something else (or, wait for Neotracker maintenance to be done).