CityofToronto / bdit_incidents

Analyzing impacts of traffic incidents on road congestion
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analyzing-impacts delay impacts incident incident-data traffic-data traffic-incidents traffic-speeds transportation

BigDataInnovationTeam: Incidents

Analyzing impacts of traffic incidents on road congestion


Processing useful information from the City's incident logs to quantify traffic delays from incidents

1. Transforming incident data

Ultimately we want the following information:

2. Comparing with Traffic Speeds

By matching incident location and time to traffic data from 3rd party vendors and bluetooth we want to estimate the delay from loss of capacity due to an incident. This requires merging the incident data with traffic speed data as well as volume data to understand the aggregate vehicle-delay. Ideally we will be able to isolate the delay due to incidents alone.





Tables in incidents schema


Current workflow

  1. Import CSV to python as pandas dataframe and run
  2. Remove any unnecessary columns (ex: individual date and time columns bc there is a single datetime column)
  3. Convert lat/long to postGIS point and tag incident to closest TMC and corresponding bluetooth segment
  4. Establish volume profiles for each bluetooth segment (with Sunny's help)
  5. Run

Key Innovations

Next Steps