ClaudiuDaramus / TeleVis

GNU General Public License v3.0
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TELEVIS PROJECT - Inginerie Software

Project theme

A smart TV system for user-profiling and automated recommendations

Programming language

We are using the python language with the django & django-rest-framework


We are working on a platform that uses multiple APIs:

  1. movieAPI for movie recommandations with IMDB
  2. musicAPI for music recommandations with Spotify
  3. TVMaze for TV Schedule
  4. Indian Tv Schedule for Indian TV Schedule

And we have the following utilities:

  1. Recommandations for movies
  2. Recommandations for music
  3. Recommandations for watch slots for TV Schedule
  4. Creation of personalised feed for user
  5. Ability to register and login to preserve watch history and other utilities

Useful commands

  1. Create a new project django-admin startproject projectName
  2. Make a new app (component) python startapp appName

    A new component must be added in the source folder, in settings at INSTALLED_APPS

    Also, you must import all urls from an app to source urls by using import('appName.urls')

  3. To save the required libraries for the project, use pip freeze > requirements.txt
  4. Everytime you make a view, make sure it is added in the file
  5. If you update a model, make sure you execute python makemigrations and python migrate

    For evey model made, you need to create a serializer If you want to see the models in the admin interface do the following steps:

    1. from django.contrib import admin

    2. from .models import YourModel


  6. To make a super user for the admin interface use python createsuperuser
  7. To run the project use python runserver and it will be visible on port 8000

Unit Tests commands

  1. Create a superadmin user with username "test"
  2. Run unit tests python -m pytest -v
  3. Run coverage coverage run -m pytest -v
  4. Run coverage report coverage report -m
  5. Create HTML for coverage coverage html