A web application that provides information for women on diet, fitness workouts. The user can calculate how many calories are in the food they are consuming, workout their BMI, BMR and also calculate their 1RM. Along with all of this information the user is provided with links to Youtube videos for workout ideas.
The React.js code uses functions to handle user interactions and update the content on the screen. Two APIs are used to retrieve dietry to work out calories per serving and video workout ideas.
React was firstly installed:
npx create-react-app wellfit
The NPM packages used in this wesbite:
npm i fitness-calc
npm i fitness-calculator
npm install bootstrap
npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core
npm install --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
npm install --save @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
npm i react-moment
npm i axios
The two APIs used in this website:
This app has been created as a group project by Bex Ford, Clelia Mangione and Jingyue Zhao for the edEX Front-End Development Bootcamp.
When the user visits the page it is displayed with a navigation bar at the top and the logo as you can see in the image below:
The first API we created was from Nutrition by API-Ninjas. This API allows users to input there food and the API will calculate how many calories is in the specific food they have entered.
The second API we created was Youtube. This enabled users to have a video link of workout ideas. We felt this made the overall user experience great as all of the information was given without the user having to do a second search. As you can see in the image below the user has the option to click on Watch on Youtube button if they choose to do so.
Below is an image of the colour palette in which we used throughout designing the web application.
The font style we used for this project was called Jost from google fonts.