ClementPerroud / Rainbow-Agent

Replicate of Reinforcement Learning Rainbow with Tensorflow 2 from paper "Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning"
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Ultimate version of Reinforcement Learning Rainbow Agent with Tensorflow 2 from paper "Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning". My version can handle Recurrent Neural Nets and Multi Parallelized Environments.

The Rainbow Agent is a DQN agent with strong improvments :

How to use ?


Import the rainbow agent

git clone rainbow

Install dependancies

pip install -r rainbow/requirements.txt


from rainbow.agent import Rainbow


agent = Rainbow(
    simultaneous_training_env = 5,

    distributional= True,
    v_min= -200,
    v_max = 250,
    nb_atoms= 51,

    # Prioritized Replay
    prioritized_replay = True,
    prioritized_replay_alpha= 0.5,
    prioritized_replay_beta_function = lambda episode, step : min(1, 0.5 + 0.5*step/150_000),

    # General
    multi_steps = 3,
    nb_states = 6,
    nb_actions = 4,
    gamma = 0.99,
    replay_capacity = 1E8,
    tau = 2000,

    # Model
    window= 15,
    units = [16,16, 16],
    dropout= 0.2,
    adversarial= True,
    noisy= True,
    learning_rate = 3*2.5E-4,

    batch_size= 128,
    train_every = 10,
    # epsilon_function = lambda episode, step : max(0.001, (1 - 5E-5)** step), # Useless if noisy == True
    name = "Rainbow",