CleverTap / CTNotificationContent

A Notification Content Extension class to display custom content interfaces for iOS 10 push notifications
MIT License
14 stars 7 forks source link
apns carousel clevertap engagement notifications push-notifications rich-push-notifications user-retention


Version SwiftPM compatible Platform iOS 10.0+ License

A Notification Content Extension class to display custom content interfaces for iOS 10 push notifications

Starting with iOS 10 you can add custom content views to iOS push notifications. This library provides a class to accomplish that. It provides a default Image Slideshow view and is designed to be easily extensible to display additional view types.

Custom push notification content interfaces are enabled in iOS 10 via a Notification Content Extension, a separate and distinct binary embedded in your app bundle.

Table of contents

🎉 Installation

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Your Podfile should look something like this:

source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'


    pod 'CTNotificationContent'  

Then run pod install

See example Podfile here.

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is an Xcode tool that installs project dependencies. To use it to install CTNotificationContent SDK, follow these steps:

🚀 Setup

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Configure your app for Push and add a Notification Content Extension target

Enable push notifications in your main app.

Create a Notification Content Extension in your project. To do that in your Xcode project, select File -> New -> Target and choose the Notification Content Extension template.

notification content extension

Configure your Notification Content Extension to use the CTNotificationViewController class

Change the superclass of your NotificationViewController to CTNotificationViewController. You should not implement any of the UNNotificationContentExtension protocol methods in your NotificationViewController class, those will be handled by CTNotificationViewController. See Objective-C example here and Swift example here.

Edit the Maininterface.storyboard in your NotificationContent target to a plain UIView, see example here.

In your AppDelegate, register the Notification category and actions:


    // register category with actions
    let action1 = UNNotificationAction(identifier: "action_1", title: "Back", options: [])
    let action2 = UNNotificationAction(identifier: "action_2", title: "Next", options: [])
    let action3 = UNNotificationAction(identifier: "action_3", title: "View In App", options: [])
    let category = UNNotificationCategory(identifier: "CTNotification", actions: [action1, action2, action3], intentIdentifiers: [], options: [])


    UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
    UNNotificationAction *action1 = [UNNotificationAction actionWithIdentifier:@"action_1" title:@"Back" options:UNNotificationActionOptionNone];
    UNNotificationAction *action2 = [UNNotificationAction actionWithIdentifier:@"action_2" title:@"Next" options:UNNotificationActionOptionNone];
    UNNotificationAction *action3 = [UNNotificationAction actionWithIdentifier:@"action_3" title:@"View In App" options:UNNotificationActionOptionNone];
    UNNotificationCategory *cat = [UNNotificationCategory categoryWithIdentifier:@"CTNotification" actions:@[action1, action2, action3] intentIdentifiers:@[] options:UNNotificationCategoryOptionNone];
    [center setNotificationCategories:[NSSet setWithObjects:cat, nil]];

See Objective-C example here and Swift example here.

Then configure your Notification Content target Info.plist to reflect the category identifier you registered: NSExtension -> NSExtensionAttributes -> UNNotificationExtensionCategory. In addition, set the UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio -> 0.1 and UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden -> true.

Also, If you plan on downloading non-SSL urls please be sure to enable App Transport Security Settings -> Allow Arbitrary Loads -> true in your plist. See plist example here.

Dashboard Usage

(Back to top) While creating a Push Notification campaign on CleverTap, just follow the steps below -

  1. On the "WHAT" section pass the desired required values in the "title" and "message" fields (NOTE: These are iOS alert title and body). Dashboard alert
  2. Click on "Advanced" and then click on "Rich Media" and select Single or Carousel template. Dashboard Rich Media
  3. For adding custom key-value pair, add the template Keys individually or into one JSON object and use the pt_json key to fill in the values. Dashboard Custom Key individual Dashboard Custom Key JSON
  4. Send a test push and schedule!

Template Types

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Rich Media

Single Media

Single media is for basic view with single image. Single Media

Content Slider

Content Slider is for image slideshow view where user can add multiple images with different captions, sub-captions, and actions.

Content slider

Custom key-value pair

Basic Template

Basic Template is the basic push notification received on apps where user can also update text colour, background colour.

Custom Basic template

Auto Carousel Template

Auto carousel is an automatic revolving carousel push notification where user can also update text colour, background colour.

Auto carousel

Manual Carousel Template

This is the manual version of the carousel. The user can navigate to the next/previous image by clicking on the Next/Back buttons.


For iOS 12 and above, you need to configure your Notification Content target Info.plist to reflect the category identifier you registered: NSExtension -> NSExtensionAttributes -> UNNotificationExtensionCategory. In addition, set the UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio -> 0.1 , UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden -> true and UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled -> 1.

For iOS 11 and below, the previous/next buttons will not work. Please use notification actions with identifiers action_1 and action_2 for this purpose.

Manual carousel

Timer Template

This template features a live countdown timer. You can even choose to show different title, message, and background image after the timer expires.

Timer template

Zero Bezel Template

The Zero Bezel template ensures that the background image covers the entire available surface area of the push notification. All the text is overlayed on the image.

Zero Bezel template

Rating Template

Rating template lets your users give you feedback.


For iOS 12 and above, you need to configure your Notification Content target Info.plist to reflect the category identifier you registered: NSExtension -> NSExtensionAttributes -> UNNotificationExtensionCategory. In addition, set the UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio -> 0.1 , UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden -> true and UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled -> 1. For iOS 11 and below, it will fallback to a basic template.


Product Catalog Template

Product catalog template lets you show case different images of a product (or a product catalog) before the user can decide to click on the "BUY NOW" option which can take them directly to the product via deep links. This template has two variants.


For iOS 12 and above, you need to configure your Notification Content target Info.plist to reflect the category identifier you registered: NSExtension -> NSExtensionAttributes -> UNNotificationExtensionCategory. In addition, set the UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio -> 0.1 , UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden -> true and UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled -> 1. For iOS 11 and below, it will fallback to a basic template.

Vertical View

Product Display

Linear View

Use the following keys to enable linear view variant of this template.

Template Key Required Value
pt_product_display_linear Optional true

Product Display

WebView Template

WebView template lets you load a remote https URL.

WebView Template

Note: If any image can't be downloaded, the template falls back to basic template with caption and sub caption only.

Template Keys

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Rich Media

Content Slider

Configure your APNS payload:

Then, when sending notifications via APNS:


    "aps": {
        "alert": {
            "body": "test message",
            "title": "test title",
        "category": "CTNotification",
        "mutable-content": true,
    "ct_ContentSlider": {
        "orientation": "landscape", // landscape assumes 16:9 images, remove to display default square/portrait images
        "showsPaging": true, // optional to display UIPageControl
        "autoPlay": true, // optional to auto play the slideshow
        "autoDismiss": true, // optional to auto dismiss the notification on item actionUrl launch
                "caption": "caption one",
                "subcaption": "subcaption one",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "actionUrl": "com.clevertap.ctcontent.example://item/one"
                "caption": "caption two", 
                "subcaption": "subcaption two", 
                "imageUrl": "",
                "actionUrl": "com.clevertap.ctcontent.example://item/two"

Custom key-value pair

Basic Template

Basic Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_basic
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Required Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_big_img Optional Image
pt_dl1 Optional One Deep Link
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Auto Carousel Template

Auto Carousel Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_carousel
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link
pt_img1 Required Image One
pt_img2 Required Image Two
pt_img3 Required Image Three
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Manual Carousel Template

Manual Carousel Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_manual_carousel
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link One
pt_img1 Required Image One
pt_img2 Required Image Two
pt_img3 Required Image Three
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Timer Template

Timer Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_timer
pt_title Required Title
pt_title_alt Optional Title to show after timer expires
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_alt Optional Message to show after timer expires
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link
pt_big_img Optional Image
pt_big_img_alt Optional Image to show when timer expires
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_chrono_title_clr Optional Color for timer text in HEX
pt_timer_threshold Required Timer duration in seconds. Will be given higher priority.
pt_timer_end Optional Epoch Timestamp to countdown to (for example, $D_1595871380 or 1595871380). Not needed if pt_timer_threshold is specified.
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Zero Bezel Template

Zero Bezel Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_zero_bezel
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_big_img Required Image
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Rating Template

Rating Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_rating
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_big_img Optional Image
pt_msg_summary Optional Message line when Notification is expanded
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_default_dl Required Default Deep Link for Push Notification
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link for first/all star(s)
pt_dl2 Optional Deep Link for second star
pt_dl3 Optional Deep Link for third star
pt_dl4 Optional Deep Link for fourth star
pt_dl5 Optional Deep Link for fifth star
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_ico Optional Large Icon
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Product Catalog Template

Product Catalog Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_product_display
pt_title Required Title
pt_msg Required Message
pt_subtitle Optional Subtitle
pt_img1 Required Image One
pt_img2 Required Image Two
pt_img3 Optional Image Three
pt_bt1 Required Big text for first image
pt_bt2 Required Big text for second image
pt_bt3 Required Big text for third image
pt_st1 Required Small text for first image
pt_st2 Required Small text for second image
pt_st3 Required Small text for third image
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link for first image
pt_dl2 Required Deep Link for second image
pt_dl3 Required Deep Link for third image
pt_price1 Required Price for first image
pt_price2 Required Price for second image
pt_price3 Required Price for third image
pt_bg Required Background Color in HEX
pt_product_display_action Required Action Button Label Text
pt_product_display_linear Optional Linear Layout Template ("true"/"false")
pt_product_display_action_clr Required Action Button Background Color in HEX
pt_title_clr Optional Title Color in HEX
pt_msg_clr Optional Message Color in HEX
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

WebView Template

WebView Template Keys Required Description
pt_id Required Value - pt_web_view
pt_dl1 Required Deep Link
pt_url Required URL to load
pt_orientation Optional Value - landscape or portrait
pt_json Optional Above keys in JSON format

Sample App

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