CliMA / GriddingMachine.jl

Functions to read gridded data so as to feed Clima Land model
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Please cite our paper(s) when you use GriddingMachine:


GriddingMachine.jl includes a collection of global canopy propertie. To best utilize Pkg.Artifacts and FTP storage, GriddingMachine.jl only supports julia 1.7 and above.

Documentation CI Status Compatibility Code Coverage


julia> using Pkg;
julia> Pkg.add("GriddingMachine");


GriddingMachine has the following sub-modules, some of which are in development. The sub-modules are Sub-module Functionality Ready to use
Blender Regrid the gridded datasets Testing
Collector Distribute the gridded datasets v0.2
Fetcher Download ungridded datasets Testing
Indexer Read the gridded datasets v0.2
Partitioner Sort the ungridded datasets Testing
Requestor Request gridded datasets v0.2

See API for more detailed information about how to use GriddingMachine.jl.

To automatically download and query the file path of the dataset, use

julia> using GriddingMachine.Collector;
julia> file_path = query_collection("VCMAX_2X_1Y_V1");

To request a partial dataset from the server without download the entire dataset, use

julia> using GriddingMachine.Requestor;
julia> dat,std = request_LUT("VCMAX_2X_1Y_V1", 35.1, 115.2);
julia> dat,std = request_LUT("VCMAX_2X_1Y_V1", 35.1, 115.2; interpolation=true);

Other language supports

Language Link to Github repository
Matlab octave-griddingmachine
Octave octave-griddingmachine
R r-griddingmachine
Python python-griddingmachine

Data contribution

We welcome the contribution of global scale datasets to GriddingMachine.jl. To maximally promote data reuse, we ask data owners to preprocess your datasets before sharing with us, the requirements are:

The reprocessed NetCDF file should contain (only) the following fields: Field Dimension Description Attributes
lon 1D Longitude in the center of a grid unit
lat 1D Latitude in the center of a grid unit
ind 1D Cycle index (for 3D data only) unit
data 2D/3D Data in the center of a grid longname
std 2D/3D Error of data in the center of a grid same as data

For data contributors who have limited knowledge about Github and Julia, we recommend to contribute your reprocessed data to us by tag an issue via the button New issue in the Issues Tab. See an example table here. See this google doc for an example of this data reprocessing and deployment.

For data contributors who are experienced Github and Julia users, we also welcome that your contribution of code directly. See this pull request for an example of the pull request.