ClickHouse / clickhouse-jdbc-bridge

A JDBC proxy from ClickHouse to external databases
Apache License 2.0
168 stars 60 forks source link

jdbc 外部表 配置之后 查询 pgsql 报错 #183

Open JasonFang1993 opened 11 months ago

JasonFang1993 commented 11 months ago
[root@hadoop114 ~]# clickhouse-jdbc-bridge
[/etc/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge/] is not found, will use default environment variables
Work directory is set to [/etc/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge]
Bad level value for property: .level
Bad level value for property: java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level
Can't set level for java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
[2023-12-21 14:34:03] [信息     ] Loading JSON from file [config/vertx.json]... 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Loading JSON from file [config/server.json]... 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Start to monitor configuration file(s) at [config/datasources] 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Start to monitor configuration file(s) at [config/schemas] 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Start to monitor configuration file(s) at [config/queries] 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Registering new type of NamedDataSource: [jdbc] -> [com.clickhouse.jdbcbridge.impl.JdbcDataSource] 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Default type of NamedDataSource is set to [jdbc] 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Registering new type of NamedDataSource: [script] -> [com.clickhouse.jdbcbridge.impl.ScriptDataSource] 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Loading JSON from file [config/httpd.json]... 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Starting web server... 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] No NamedSchema configuration found 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] No NamedQuery configuration found 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Server started in 370 ms 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Loading NamedDataSource configuration... 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] Adding NamedDataSource(id=pgsql10)... 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [信息     ] pgsql10 - Starting... 
[2023-12-21 14:34:04] [警告     ] Registered driver with driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation. 
[2023-12-21 14:34:08] [信息     ] pgsql10 - Start completed. 
[2023-12-21 14:34:08] [信息     ] Adding NamedDataSource(id=script)... 
[2023-12-21 14:47:33] [信息     ] Raw query:
[2023-12-21 14:47:48] [警告     ] Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main]=Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main] has been blocked for 15103 ms, time limit is 15000 ms 
[2023-12-21 14:47:49] [警告     ] Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main]=Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main] has been blocked for 16105 ms, time limit is 15000 ms 
[2023-12-21 14:47:50] [警告     ] Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main]=Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main] has been blocked for 17106 ms, time limit is 15000 ms 
[2023-12-21 14:47:51] [警告     ] Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main]=Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main] has been blocked for 18111 ms, time limit is 15000 ms