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CAFE Public Data Standard Operating Procedure Website for Dataverse and GitHub
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Climate CAFE GitHub Pages Website

Contains the CAFE Public Data Standard Operating Procedure for Data Management functions such as Harvard Dataverse interfacing and GitHub integration.

The rendered website is located at

How to contribute to this site?

If you have read/write access to this page, you can directly open a new feature and add your changes. However, we strongly suggest opening a PR and letting others review your code before merging it into the final version. If you do not have access to this page, please fork the repo and submit a PR.

Adding a New Sidebar Link

To add a new sidebar link to the handbook, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the _toc.yml file in the handbook folder.
  2. Make sure the name in _toc.yml is the same as your .md file name (e.g.,
  3. Add the necessary content to your new .md file.
  4. Ensure your new sidebar link is correctly configured in _toc.yml.

For more help on using JupyterBook for documentation, refer to the JupyterBook documentation.

Test your contribution on your local system

Run the following commands in the terminal:

git clone
cd SOP_documentation
mkdir .env
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
jupyter-book build --all handbook

Navigate to the browser to see the SOP handbook with your contribution. Make sure everything looks good before opening a pull request.