This repository includes datasets and notebooks for the manuscript "CFP group members at the office on Wednesdays and the relationship with Andy staying at home: correlations and causality".
@navidcy has been claiming for long that because Andy does not come in at the office on Wednesdays the CFP in-present attendance at the office is dramatically reduced. @AndyHoggANU claims that this is just natural variability.
Here we will be gathering data for in-office attendance both for Wednesdays and for other days. The hope is that we can proceed doing proper statistical analyses and significance tests on the data to determine whether or not this effect is real and also whether it is part of natural variability.
This is by no means an attempt to put pressure on @AndyHoggANU to change his Wednesday routine. The only purpose of this repo is to pursue a systematic study to understand whether or not the observation is part of natural in-office attendance variability or not.