ClimateIndicator / forcing-timeseries

MIT License
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Effective radiative forcing time series

This repository generates the following data and plots from the Climate Indicator Project:

As part of the ERF time series, emissions are processed from CEDS and GFED.

Bar plot of effective radiative forcing 1750-2023

Line plot of time series of effective radiative forcing 1750-2023

The code also provides a probabilistic ensemble of 1000 forcing time series for the detection and attribution of climate change.

Code also caculates decadal rates of ERF change and human induced warming change Line plot of time series of decadal rates of change in effective radiative forcing and human induced warming 1970-2023


Create a conda environment. From the top directory of the repository run

conda env create -f environment.yml

The code is a series of notebooks in the notebooks folder. Some generate emissions or concentrations and need to be run first. This order should work.

All ancillary data is provided in the repository or downloaded by the code except for four volcanic and contrails datasets that require registration. See the notes in the volcanic-forcing.ipynb, mls-data.ipynb and contrails.ipynb notebooks for how to obtain the data and where to download it to.

The Decadal trend plot uses data generated by the athropogenic warming repository.