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RS Lims Export file changes #162

Closed LordRust closed 5 months ago

LordRust commented 5 months ago

Adaptations to the export file format for TB variant calling.


  1. Parameter fields uses underscore
  2. All variants should follow the Variant column from the WHO catalogue if possible. Regardless of length of the field (yes a reversion from the wishes that we got earlier). And since everything now follows HGVS as far as we can (but we do not add the genome prefix NC_000962.3:). And while we are at it, lets name the Delly results accordingly, since we will be the curators of the data, but for RS lims making a difference in how we found the deletion is mostly just confusing for the physicians.
    • Long ones are OK: rrs_n.1022_1032delTTGTGGCCTGTinsCTTCGGGGGACAAA;whiB7_p.Thr10_Gln13del;lpqB_c.729C>T
    • Delly currently is SV_DEL_79570-83034 --> change to g.79570_83034del
  3. MTBC_QC parameter added. This should be Fail if the sample has a QC status of "Permanent fail"
  4. If MTBC_QC=='Fail' then set all results to the antibiotics to "Ej bedömbart"

MTBC_ART and MTBC_LINEAGE could potentially come out with multiple values. If so, separate the values with semicolon

Example output file

sample_id   parameter   result  variants
test_mtuberculosis_1    RIF_NGS Mutation påvisad    lpqB_c.729C>T WHO-2;g.79570_83034del
test_mtuberculosis_1    INH_NGSH    Mutation ej påvisad 
test_mtuberculosis_1    INH_NGSL    Mutation påvisad    inhA_c.-10_-9insAGG WHO-1
test_mtuberculosis_1    PYR_NGS Mutation ej påvisad 
test_mtuberculosis_1    ETB_NGS Mutation ej påvisad 
test_mtuberculosis_1    AMI_NGS Mutation ej påvisad 
test_mtuberculosis_1    LEV_NGS Mutation ej påvisad 
test_mtuberculosis_1    MTBC_ART    Mycobacterium tuberculosis  
test_mtuberculosis_1    MTBC_LINEAGE    lineage2.2.1    
test_mtuberculosis_1    MTBC_QC Pass