Clinical-Genomics-Lund / nextflow_wgs

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Investigate Clinsig value missing internal representation warning when loading wgs case in scout #156

Open alkc opened 7 months ago

alkc commented 7 months ago

Not sure yet that this is a bug on our end, but let's open the issue here in case it is.

Loading any wgs case into scout (v4.75) can yield a warning similar to this one:

2024-02-07 11:48:13 4ff80fcee854[177] WARNING Clinsig value uncertain_risk_allele|risk_factor does not have an internal representation 

The clinsig values can vary, but they are always multiple annotations split by a pipe.

The warning is triggered here:

The allowed values are here and only allow single annotations:

Next up is to check why the values sometimes reach that point unsplit.