Clojure-Intro-Course / babel-legacy

A project for developing middleware processing for Clojure error messages.
MIT License
10 stars 4 forks source link


Clojars Project

:warning: NOTICE (DEPRECATED): This repository is a fork of the ancient Babel repository owned by elenam, and is no longer being maintained due to the messiness that comes with this project structure. All existing work on this project as of Sep 3, 2024 should be located in this repository instead.

A proof of concept tool for transforming error message in Clojure into beginner friendly forms. Very early in development, and will experience breaking changes. Paper describing its use and development availible here.


Requires Leiningen, and Clojure 1.9.0 or greater. Adjust your project.clj to include:

:dependencies [[clojure "1.10.0"]
               [babel-middleware "0.2.0-alpha"]]
:repl-options {:nrepl-middleware

Launch a repl with lein repl, or whichever tool you prefer. Use that repl to load your other code, or to run code. (Has not been tested outside of Atom/proto-repl, and lein repl)


Copyright © 2018

Distributed under the MIT license