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Collaborative Literature Reviews (CoLRev)
CoLRev is an open-source environment for collaborative literature reviews. It integrates with differerent synthesis tools, takes care of the data, and facilitates Git-based collaboration.
To accomplish these goals, CoLRev advances the design of review technology at the intersection of methods, design, cognition, and community building.
The following features stand out:
- Supports all literature review steps: problem formulation, search, dedupe, (pre)screen, pdf retrieval and preparation, and synthesis
- An open and extensible environment based on shared data and process standards
- Builds on git and its transparent collaboration model for the entire literature review process
- Offers a self-explanatory, fault-tolerant, and configurable user workflow
- Operates a model for data quality, content curation, and reuse
- Enables typological and methodological pluralism throughout the process
For details, consult the documentation.
You can try a live demonstration of CoLRev via GitHub codespaces: start demo.
Related work (preview)
The following shows a comparison of CoLRev with related tools.
This is a preview. We plan to document and link the criteria, verify each cell, and invite the developers of the other tools to comment on the overview (documenting responses if the developers agree).
Criteria |
CoLRev |
LitStudy |
Covidence |
Review types |
Supports different genres of review methods |
Extensibility |
Process steps |
Review objectives and protocol |
Search |
Duplicate handling |
(Pre)Screen |
Data extraction |
Data analysis and quality appraisal |
Synthesis and reporting |
Process qualities |
Extensibility |
Extensions |
102 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Search updates |
Search: APIs |
Metadata preparation |
Retract checks |
PDF retrieval |
PDF preparation |
Status tracking |
Collaboration |
Large teams |
Algorithms |
Data management |
Transparency |
Validation |
Reporting (e.g., PRISMA) |
Publication of review |
Platform |
OSI-approved license |
Peer-reviewed |
Technology |
Python |
Python |
Ruby |
Proprietary |
Setup |
Local or cloud |
Local or cloud |
Server |
Server |
Interface |
CLI, Programmatic (GUI planned) |
Jupyter Notebook |
Web-UI |
Web-UI |
Contributors |
NA |
Commits |
NA |
Last commit |
NA |
Pull requests |
NA |
Forks |
NA |
Last release |
NA |
Current release |
NA |
Contributing, changes, and releases
Contributions, code and features are always welcome
For further information, see tests, changes, and releases.
This project is distributed under the MIT License the documentation is distributed under the CC-0 license.
If you contribute to the project, you agree to share your contribution following these licenses.
Citing CoLRev
Please cite the project as follows:
Wagner, G. and Prester, J. (2024) CoLRev - An open-source environment for Collaborative Literature Reviews. Available at https://github.com/CoLRev-Environment/colrev. doi:10.5281/zenodo.11668338