CoMPaTech / esphome_c1101

ESPHome approach on ITHO EcoFan control through 868 MHz ESP8266 for
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Controlling ITHO Mechanical Ventilation

:alert: This repository was updated after too many years of being stale :alert:

I've removed everything that wasn't working any more and provided a more clear way how to add this.

For previous notes, please dive into the older commits :)


How-to using Home Assistant

Ensure you have the hardware ready (Mechanics) and the esphome add-on installed

Current status:

ESPHome ITHO control

Trying to get ESPHome to mimic what is comprised in


Wiring schema used

Connections between the CC1101 and the ESP8266 or Arduino:
CC11xx pins    ESP pins Arduino pins  Description
*  1 - VCC        VCC      VCC           3v3
*  2 - GND        GND      GND           Ground
*  3 - MOSI       13=D7    Pin 11        Data input to CC11xx
*  4 - SCK        14=D5    Pin 13        Clock pin
*  5 - MISO/GDO1  12=D6    Pin 12        Data output from CC11xx / serial clock from CC11xx
*  6 - GDO2       04=D2    Pin  2        Programmable output
*  7 - GDO0       ?        Pin  ?        Programmable output
*  8 - CSN        15=D8    Pin 10        Chip select / (SPI_SS)
