A python bot using PyWikibot and Doxygen to put Doxygen docs onto a MediaWiki wiki Licensed under the MIT License (should be included with the source code in LICENSE.txt)
originally did this but it's out of date)
dictionary in doxymwglobal.py
USAGE: python doxymw.py <command> [<opts>]
<command> can be:
update update some wiki with documentation
cleanup delete all the autogenerated documentation on a wiki
<opts> can be:
-i, --interactive Interactive mode
-d:_, --debug:_ Debug where _ is in [doxygen]
-p:_, --printLevel:_ Show msgs with severity _ in [error, warning, info, or debug]
-w, --warnIsError If warnings cause program to stop
-h, --help Prints help message
Page titles in MediaWiki are not allowed to contain a few characters for example '<', '>', and '?'. To compensate for this all invalid characters are changed to '!'s and ''s to ' ' by MediaWiki default MediaWiki's `{{DISPLAYTITLE:}}` magic word is also used when available to show the correct page title on the page (but the actual page link and title in the database will contain '!'s)
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