CodaBool / terminal

A FoundryVTT module to create interactive terminals with custom content and theming
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πŸ–₯️ Terminal

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Foundry module to create interactive terminals with custom content and theming

πŸ—ΊοΈ Welcome

Here you'll find the following:

πŸ”‘ Access

This is key based content. Meaning it will be a one time purchase, all future updates come free.

You can purchase a key to permanently tie to your Foundry accout at

πŸ”¨ Usage

  1. Create a new tile
  2. Open the new tile's config by double clicking on it. There will be a new tab called Terminal
  3. Assign a journal to the Terminal and click the enable checkbox. There is no need to change the ownership, Terminal will handle permissions for you.
  4. Move onto the tile with any token

🎨 Customize

Several aspects of the terminal can be customized. You can set the background to any image or video. You can define your own ASCII for the splash screen. You can define the colors for most things. You can set your own border image for the window.

Audio effects can also be customized. Specific files can be used for clicks, login, logout and as an ambient noise.

❀️ Compatibility

The module has integration with Levels, Puzzle Locks, and Monk's Active Tiles.

There is also Game System specific features for Starfinder and Alien

🎈 Stretch Goals