Codax2000 / fir-cnn-rtl

SystemVerilog for implementing MATLAB neural net onto Xilinx RFSoC.
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FAST Lab ZyNet

SystemVerilog for implementing MATLAB neural net onto Xilinx RFSoC.

Xichen Li Ahmed Arefaat, Elpida Karepepera, Eugene Liu, Alex Knowlton

Setting Things Up in Vivado

  1. Clone the repo into a directory.
  2. Make sure that your Vivado installation has the ZCU216 evaluation board installed, or this will likely not work.
  3. In Vivado, select 'open project' and open the zyNet/ directory, where you should be able to open the .xpr file to open the entire project.
  4. Re-synthesize the out-of-context IPs so that testbenches will run.
  5. To ensure that things are set up, run the conv_to_fc_tb simulation and make sure all test cases pass (they should show in tcl console).
  6. If you want, run the other testbenches to ensure things are working.
  7. Before running the zyNet_matlab_tb testbench to compare the toplevel to matlab, change lines 115 and 116 in to match your directory. Otherwise, the testbench and python script will not run properly.
  8. Before running the sim_1 testbench (the toplevel), make sure you run python ./Scripts/python/ in the toplevel to make sure your memory file for 'expected' outputs in the toplevel is up to date.
  9. If you want to run other testbenches, check the zyNet/zyNet.srcs/unused_testbenches folder for other testbenches you can run.

Running Synopsis Synthesis and APR

  1. Switch to the 70-need-synopsis-flow branch. Note that the hierarchy is different. This is because the structure was updated for Synopsis, and it is no longer cleanly compatible with Vivado. DO NOT merge this branch with main.
  2. You can now run commands for synthesis and APR from the toplevel directory with make. The RTL is very similar (some compatibility modifications). Here is a table of make commands: Command Result
    make syn run synthesis in DC compiler
    make apr run apr in IC compiler
    make syn-link run synthesis up to linking
    make apr-to-floorplan run APR up to floorplanning script
    make clean-syn clean out the synthesis directory
    make clean-apr clean out the apr directory
    make clean should clean out both synthesis and apr directories

Be aware that synthesis has taken about 4 hours in the past. APR takes close to a week.

Using Version Control with git

  1. First, make sure you can clone the repository.
    1. Ensure you are added as a contributor to the repository.
    2. Set up an SSH key to work with GitHub (if you've never done this before, see the UW CSE 154 Setup Guide for a great tutorial)
  2. Raise a new issue on the GitHub issues page. Add any screenshots or relevant problems to the description.
    1. Add yourself as an assignee
    2. Create a new branch associated with that issue.
  3. In your local terminal, make sure you are on the main branch and switch to the new branch with the following commands (for example, if your branch name is 18-new-module):
    git pull
    git checkout 18-new-module

    Git should show that you are tracking the remote branch associated with your new issue.

  4. If you have folders that you would not like to track with git, add it to the .gitignore file. See the current version for examples.
  5. To commit to the remote repository, run the following commands:
    git add .
    git push
  6. Other useful git commands Command Result
    git branch --all See a list of your current branch and all branches on your PC
    git stash Stash changes so you can move them to a different branch
    git stash pop Bring stashed changes off the stash and into the current branch
    git branch -d 'BRANCH_NAME' Delete the branch (use this only for local branches, DO NOT delete main)
  7. Pull Requests
    • To bring changes in a branch to main, create a new pull request on the GitHub Pull Request Page
    • Set base to the branch you would like to push changes to and compare to your current working branch.
    • Create the pull request, add any documentation necessary showing that the linked issue has been resolved.
    • If there are no conflicts and you have let everybody else know about your changes, merge the pull request.
    • If there are conflicts, it's recommended to resolve them either in GitHub online editor on GitHub desktop.

Python Scripts

There are several python scripts used for text processing and data analysis. Most of them are legacies and were run once. They should be run using an environment that has pandas installed, and run in the top-level directory of this repo. There are only two that still apply:

  1. is used for converting the csv file that the matlab testbench produces to an 'expected' mif file for the toplevel testbench.
  2. is used to plot the errors produced by the matlab testbench on a histogram.

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