Code2Gether-Discord / Code2Gether-Discord-Bot

A Discord bot for the Code2Gether server
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A Discord bot for the Code2Gether server

How to add a new Command (as of commit e88286a)


c!getexcuse (getexcuse; excuse; ) - Gets a random excuse. c!github list-org (github list-org; github lo; github list-organization; ) - List the GitHub Organization's Members. c!github list-teams (github list-teams; github lt; ) - List the GitHub Organization's Teams. c!github list-team-members (github list-team-members; github ltm; ) - List the GitHub Organization's Team Members. Usage: github-list-team-members [team-slug] c!github join-org (github join-org; github jo; github join-organization; ) - Join the GitHub Organization at Usage: github join-org [email c!github join-team (github join-team; github jt; ) - Join the a GitHub Team in the Organization. Usage: github join-team [team-slug] [username] c!help (help; ) - Returns this! c!info (info; about; whoami; owner; uptime; library; author; stats; ) - Replies with a wealth of information regarding the bot's environment. c!leet (leet; ) - Reply with a question from with a given title. c!leetans (leetans; leetanswer; ) - Provide an answer for an open leet question. c!ping (ping; pong; ) - Replies with an embed containing the bot's websocket latency. c!makechannel (makechannel; ) - Creates a new text channel.