CodeBlanchard / codeBlanch

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Code Blanch

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



Yelp style app designed to specifically rate the food in MHC's Blanchard Hall. It would show the ratings for the food available on a certain day.

App Evaluation

[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

Progress Gif

Week 3

Week 1

2. Screen Archetypes

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

Digital Wireframes & Mockups


( png

link to our digital wireframes :

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype


Review Property Type Description
userName String name of the logged in user
reviewText String the review left by the user
reviewImage Image optional image uploaded by the user
dateUploaded DateTime the date the review was uploaded

Community tab

Property Type Description
userName String username of the user the uploaded the combo
comboName String name of the combo given by the user
comboImage Image optional image uploaded by the user
comboDescrip String Description of the combo given by the user
postType String The type of post


Property Type Description
classicsButton Button Button that takes you to classics menu
grillButton Button Button that takes you to grill menu
globalButton Button Button that takes you to global menu
wokButton Button Button that takes you to wok menu
hallalButton Button Button that takes you to hallal menu
kosherButton Button Button that takes you to kosher menu
harvestButton Button Button that takes you to harvest menu


Property Type Description
remainingSwipes String A number with the amount of swipes the user has left
favImage Image the picture of your favorited foods
savedFoods String the name of food you have saved
ratedFood String the name of foods you have rated

Login screen

Property Type Description
username textField Text field to enter the username
password textField Text field to enter a password
loginButton Button Button to login
registerButton Button Button to register


Property Type Description
foodLabel String Name of the food
ingredientLabel String Ingredients in the food
addReview Button Button that takes you to review page
saveFood Button Button to save the food

Main Screen

Property Type Description
loginPageButton Button Button that takes the user to the login/register page
viewMenuButton Button Button that takes the user to the menu


[Add table of models]
