CodeForPhilly / project-ideas

Contribute project ideas or just general problem statements to make visible to the civic hacking community. Be as detailed as possible and link to relevant data sources and use cases.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link


Contribute project ideas or just general problem statements to make visible to the civic hacking community. Be as detailed as possible and link to relevant data sources and use cases.

How to add project ideas/problem statements

  1. Select the issues tab
  2. Once in issues, click the green "New Issue" button
  3. You'll be shown a text box with preset prompts. That's because we used a handy template to create consistency across issues
  4. Fill out the template with as much information as you can and feel free to add in new fields with additional information if it isn't reprenseted in the template
  5. Hit submit, and you're done! The repo is open to the public so anyone can see the issues, leave comments, make suggestions, and vote on ideas.

Browsing ideas/problem statements

If you don't have an idea to submit, you can contribute to project ideas by leaving feedback, suggesting additional ideas and considerations, and +1'ing ideas in the comments.

Just keep in mind that any discussion must follow the Code for Philly Code of Conduct. And if it doesn't, we'll happily remove it (and potentially you) from the group. We're serious about keeping our channels friendly, welcoming, and respectful to everyone.