CodeForPittsburgh / citytwitter

A list of all the twitter accounts associated with the City of Pittsburgh
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A list of all the Twitter accounts associated with the City of Pittsburgh


Twitter is a wonderful civic tool, allowing for direct, public access to officials, departments, and authorities across the city.

But access requires knowledge. This document attempts to provide that knowledge, by cataloging all of the current handles used by those whose remit includes the City of Pittsburgh.

Given that we are an ongoing democracy, this list will naturally change over time, as different leaders are elected or appointed.


At its heart this is a list of URL links, so as long as twitter keeps the same relationship between account names and URLs, these links should not break.

The biggest source of dead links will, over time, end up being that handles will fall out of use, be taken down, be voted out of office, or otherwise cease output.


This was started by Connor Sites-Bowen, and contributed to by a variety of folks.