CodeGrind Bot is a Discord bot designed for LeetCode users to promote friendly competition and continuous skill progression. Users can track and compare their LeetCode stats in daily/weekly/monthly/all-time leaderboards within their server or globally.
Please note: while the bot uses the LeetCode API for data, it's not officially affiliated with LeetCode. Proper respect for the copyrights and terms of use of LeetCode is expected from all users.
Contributions are welcomed and appreciated. Feel free to open a pull request!
The steps for setting up a testing version of the bot can be found in our Setup CodeGrind Bot Locally wiki page.
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.
However, some files are licensed differently. Specifically, the ./
and ./
files are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. These files include code from Python-Discord-Bot-Template and require attribution as specified in their headers.