CodeHeister / dotfiles

First rice for i3-gaps
GNU General Public License v3.0
127 stars 9 forks source link
dotfiles i3-gaps linux unixporn


Linux config files (rxvt-unicode, flameshot, dunst, lemonbar-xft, picom, cava, cmus, eww, zathura, rofi, i3-gaps, nvim, ranger)

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|         cmus | c* music player                                          cmus(1) |
|        dunst | notification daemon                                     dunst(1) |
|           i3 | window manager                                             i3(1) |
|        picom | a compositor for X11                                    picom(1) |
|    flameshot | powerful, simple-to-use screenshot software         flameshot(1) |
|     lemonbar | featherweight lemon-scented bar                      lemonbar(1) |
|          eww | simple widgets                                                   |
|       neovim | text editor                                              nvim(1) |
| rxvt-unicode | a VT102 emulator for the X window system      urxvt(1), urxvt(7) |
|       ranger | file manager                                           ranger(1) |
|         rofi | run launcher, window switcher, etc.                      rofi(1) |
|          x11 | x window system                       x(7), xinit(1), xserver(1) |

Table of contents

General info

This dotfiles include .Xresources files for urxvt and .config files, with some commented code. You may uncomment and test it. Change keyboard layout in .xinit or delete it, if you use only one language. Hopefully I can improve these configs, add something and remove the useless code, so stay tuned for more updates. For additional info i suggest you to check Arch Wiki pages about this utils to set them correctly up.


locker BetterLockScreen\ \ \ \ eww eww widgets\ \ \ \ urxvt terminal emulators and type test\ \ \ \ zathura zathura\ \ \ \ thunar dunst, thunar and eww calendar\ \ \ \ rofi apps rofi app search\ \ \ \ powermenu rofi powermenu

Steps for the installation

  1. Script :

    ./ pacman yay nvim set

    Requires yay installed

    If something goes wrong, there's an instruction bellow for manual installation

  2. Utils list :

Required packages :

  1. Adding configs :
    • Clone this repository.
    • If there's still no .config or other directories in your home directory (~), you may move all directories to your ~. Otherwise just copy or include files of your interest. Respect file disposition to save configs from path error or replace all paths with your.
    • If everything is correctly installed and configs are added, all may work without troubles.



i3-gaps - `.config/i3/config` : - `Mod+[0-9]` : go to workspace - `Mod+Shift+[0-9]` : move active window to workspace - `Alt+Ctrl+[A/D]` : move to the left/right workspace - `Mod+Tab` : swap between current and last used workspace - `Mod+Shift+C` : reload i3 config file - `Mod+[Left/Right/Up/Down]` : change focus - `Mod+Shift+[Left/Right/Up/Down]` : move focused window (floating), swap windows (tilling) - `Mod+H` : split in horizontal orientation - `Mod+V` : split in vertical orientation - `Mod+F` : fullscreen toggle - `Mod+E` : layout reverse (toggle split) - `Mod+W` : layout tabbed - `Mod+S` : layout stacking - `Mod+D` : focus child - `Mod+A` : focus parent - `Mod+Shift+Space` : toggle tiling/floating for current window - `Mod+Space` : change focus between tiling/floating windows - `Mod+Shift+R` : restart i3 - `Mod+R` : resize mode - `[Left/Right/Up/Down]` : resize - `Esc` : exit resize mode (don't forget to press it) - `Mod+Shift+A` : start lemonbar - `Mod+Shift+D` : close lemonbar - `Print` : fullscreen screenshot (saves to ~/Pictures/Screenshots) - `Ctrl+Print` : area or app screenshot (saves to ~/Pictures/Screenshots) - `Ctrl+Shift+Print` : flameshot (interactive screen software with utils) - `Mod+F3` : app searcher - `Alt+Tab` : active apps searcher - `Mod+Shift+E` : powermenu - `Mod+F6` : prev Spotify song - `Mod+F7` : pause/resume Spotify song - `Mod+F8` : next Spotify song - `Mod+F9` : mute/unmute - `Mod+F10` : volume down - `Mod+F11` : volume up - `Mod+Shift+G` : change gaps - `O` : outer gaps - `+` : +5 to current value of the current workspace - `-` : -5 to current value of the current workspace - `0` : set gaps 0 - `Shift++` : +5 to current value for all workspaces - `Shift+-` : -5 to current value for all workspaces - `Shift+0` : set all gaps 0 - `Esc` : exit gaps editor - `I` : inner gaps - `+` : +5 to current value of the current workspace - `-` : -5 to current value of the current workspace - `0` : set gaps 0 - `Shift++` : +5 to current value for all workspaces - `Shift+-` : -5 to current value for all workspaces - `Shift+0` : set all gaps 0 - `Esc` : exit gaps editor - `Mod+Shift+T` or `Mod+Enter` : launch terminal - `Mod+Q` : hide current window - `Mod+Z` : roll through hidden windows - `Mod+Shift+Q` : close current window - `Mod+F1` : launch/exit eww - `Mod+DragMouseLeftButton` : drag floating windows - `Mod+DragMouseRightButton` : resize non-floating windows and gaps between them

X11 - `.xinitrc` : - `Alt+Tab` : change keyboard layout (disabled) uncomment `setxkbmap` and add your layouts)

URxvt - `.Xresources.d/urxvt-unicode` : - `Tab` : autofill - `Shift+Tab` : autofill (backwards) - `Ctrl+Shift+C` : copy - `Ctrl+Shift+V` : paste - `Ctrl+Up` : increase font size - `Ctrl+Down` : decrease font size - `Ctrl+Shift+Up` : increase font size (global) - `Ctrl+Shift+Down` : decrease font size (global) - `Ctrl+=` : reset font size - `Ctrl+/` : show font size - `Ctrl+Tab` : select urls - `Ctrl+s` : search in terminal - `Ctrl+Esc` : activate selection mode - `[h/j/k/l]` : Move cursor left/down/up/right (also with arrow keys) - `[g/G/0/^/$/H/M/L/f/F/;/,/w/W/b/B/e/E]` : More vi-like cursor movement keys - `['/'/?]` : Start forward/backward search - `[n/N]`: Repeat last search, N: in reverse direction - `Ctrl+[f/b]` : Scroll down/up one screen - `Ctrl+[d/u]` : Scroll down/up half a screen - `[v/V/Ctrl+v]` : Toggle normal/linewise/blockwise selection - `[y/Return]` : Copy selection to primary buffer, Return: quit afterwards - `Y` : Copy selected lines to primary buffer or cursor line and quit - `[q/Escape]` : Quit keyboard selection mode - `Shift+Down` : open new tab - `Ctrl+d` : close tab - `Shift+Up` : rename - `Ctrl+[Left/Right]` : move tabs (left/right) - `Shift+[Left/Right]` : go to tab (left/right)

ToDo List


I'm looking forward for your tips and i'm ready to help you or add some info here, if you'll consider it necessary. I'll necessary clear and improve configs to make it more flexible and convenient.