CodeMonsterPHD / GaTector-A-Unified-Framework-for-Gaze-Object-Prediction

This repository is the official implementation of GaTector, which studies the newly proposed task, gaze object prediction. In this work, we build a novel framework named GaTector to tackle the gaze object prediction problem in a unified way. Particularly, a specific-general-specific (SGS) feature extractor is firstly proposed to utilize a shared backbone to extract general features for both scene and head images. To better consider the specificity of inputs and tasks, SGS introduces two input-specific blocks before the shared backbone and three task-specific blocks after the shared backbone. Specifically, a novel defocus layer is designed to generate object-specific features for object detection task without losing information or requiring extra computations. Moreover, the energy aggregation loss is introduced to guide the gaze heatmap to concentrate on the stared box. In the end, we propose a novel mDAP metric that can reveal the difference between boxes even when they share no overlapping area. Extensive experiments on the GOO dataset verify the superiority of our method in all three tracks, i.e., object detection, gaze estimation, and gaze object prediction.
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convolutional-neural-networks gaze-estimation object-detection yolov4

GaTector: A Unified Framework for Gaze Object Prediction

This repository is the official implementation of our CVPR2022 paper "GaTector: A Unified Framework for Gaze Object Prediction", where we propose a novel task named Gaze Object Prediction. Illustrating the architecture of the proposed GaTector

Data Preparation

note: We use GOO-real to obtain object detection results and GOO-synth to obtain gaze object prediction results

The GOO dataset contains two subsets: GOO-Sync and GOO-Real.

You can download GOO-synth from OneDrive:

Train: part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8, part9, part10, part11

Test: GOOsynth-test_data

Annotation file:



You can download GOO-Real from OneDrive:

Train: GOOreal-train_data

Test: GOOreal-test_data

Annotation file:



Please ensure the data structure is as below
├── data
   └── goo_dataset
      └── goosynth
         └── picklefile
            ├── goosynth_test_v2_no_segm.pkl
            ├── goosynth_train_v2_no_segm.pkl
         └── test
            └── images
               ├── 0.png
               ├── 1.png
               ├── ...
               ├── 19199.png
         └── train
            └── images
               ├── 0.png
               ├── 1.png
               ├── ...
               ├── 172799.png
      └── gooreal
         └── train_data
            ├── 0.png
            ├── 1.png
            ├── ...
            ├── 3608.png
         └── test_data
            ├── 3609.png
            ├── 3610.png
            ├── ...
            ├── 4512.png
         ├── train.pickle
         ├── test.pickle

Environment Preparation


conda env create -n Gatector -f environment.yaml

Training & Inference

To carry out experiments on the GOO dataset, please follow these commands:

Experiments on GOO-Synth:

python --train_mode 0 --train_dir './data/goo_dataset/goosynth/train/images/' --train_annotation './data/goo_dataset/goosynth/picklefile/goosynth_train_v2_no_segm.pkl' --test_dir './data/goo_dataset/goosynth/test/images/' --test_annotation './data/goo_dataset/goosynth/picklefile/goosynth_test_v2_no_segm.pkl'

Experiments on GOO-Real:

python --train_mode 1 --train_dir './data/goo_dataset/gooreal/train_data/' --train_annotation './data/goo_dataset/gooreal/train.pickle' --test_dir './data/goo_dataset/gooreal/test_data/' --test_annotation './data/goo_dataset/gooreal/test.pickle/'

Pre-trained Models

You can download pretrained models from baiduyun

Pre-trained Models (code:xfyk).

Get Result

note: path:'./lib/'

Object detection result

get mAP

python --train_mode 1 --dataset 1

get wUOC

python --train_mode 1 --getwUOC True --dataset 1

Object detection + gaze estimation

When you training the model, the index of gaze will be saved in gaze_performence.txt.

get mAP

python --train_mode 0 --dataset 0

get wUOC

python --train_mode 0 --getwUOC True --dataset 0

note: You can test your data by modifying the images and annotations in './test_data/data_proc' or './test_data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007'


Our model achieves the following performance on GOOSynth dataset:

AUC Dist. Ang. AP AP50 AP75 GOP wUoC (%) GOP mSoC (%)
0.957 0.073 14.91 56.8 95.3 62.5 81.10 67.94

Our models

GOO-real (object detection)

GOO-real ep100-loss0.374-val_loss0.359

GOO-synth (gaze estimation + object detection)

GOO-synth ep098-loss15.975-val_loss42.955


Since the wUoC metric is invalid when the area of the ground truth box is equal to the area of the predicted box, we redefine the weight of wUoC as min(p/a, g/a). We call the improved metric mSoC. We report the performance of GOP using mSoC again in results. Fig (a) and (b) shows the definition of mSoC and failure case of wUoC respectively.


 title={GaTector: A Unified Framework for Gaze Object Prediction},
 author={Wang, Binglu and Hu, Tao and Li, Baoshan and Chen, Xiaojuan and Zhang, Zhijie},
 booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},