CodeMontageHQ / codemontage

CodeMontage empowers coders to improve their impact on the world. Find open source software projects with a social impact and save the world.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Welcome to the CodeMontage Platform

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CodeMontage empowers coders to improve their impact on the world.

We believe coding can help save the world. With this platform, we aim to help coders everywhere find and contribute to open source projects that improve the world and make us better coders.

Join our mission to create superhero coders! You can get involved by taking any of the following actions:

  1. Register for CodeMontage.
  2. Follow us on Twitter.
  3. Be the change you wish to see by creating a branch submitting a pull request to improve the platform. Please include a screenshot of any user interface changes with all pull requests.
  4. Suggest an improvement by opening an issue. Please follow our issue template and use multiple emojis for maximum effectiveness. :+1::100::wink:
  5. Reach out to us at

Development Environment Setup

These setup instructions have been tested on Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows 7 with and without Cygwin, and Linux (Ubuntu 10.8.) Installing and running the site under Windows with or without Cygwin may be possible with enough environmental modifications, but doing so is outside the scope of this document.

CodeMontage currently uses Ruby on Rails 3.2.17 and Postgres 9.2.2. The Gemfile specifies Ruby 2.1.5, but the site also runs in development under 1.9.3 and 2.1.1 (tested in Ubuntu.)

To get started,

Congratulations, you're ready to help build CodeMontage!


Copyright (c) 2014 Code for Humanity, LLC. See LICENSE for details.