CodePath-Pod-24 / Fluidity

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



An app designed to increase the user’s productivity and concentration with the use of different studying methods and recommendations.




Mobile is necessary for the convenience of students to record their study sessions.

Mobile: How uniquely mobile is the product experience?

Our product will only be available on mobile. Its purpose is to eliminate distractions and help students improve their grades. We’ll be implementing audio, real-time, and push notifications.

Story: How compelling is the story around this app once completed?

How clear is the value of this app to your audience? Because the goal of this app is to ultimately help students perform better in school, students who are actively seeking a productivity tool like a study app will recognize how useful an app like ours can be, especially if it has the correct features. How well would your friends or peers respond to this product idea? Our app will offer study techniques to maximize the efficiency of study sessions for students. We believe our friends/peers will respond positively to our product idea.

Market: How large or unique is the market for this app?

What’s the size and scale of your potential user base? Anyone that wants to study will have acess to our app but our focus of interests are high school to college level students. Does this app provide huge value to a niche group of people? Yes, high school & college students will see an increase in retention rate of different subjects and an increase grades.

Habit: How habit-forming or addictive is this app?

How frequently would an average user open and use this app? We hope that users, especially students, will use this app on a frequent basis whenever they plan to study. As a result, the frequency will vary from time to time, but should spike during midterm/final exam periods. Does an average user just consume your app or do they create? The usage frequency of this app will depend on the users age group. The average 14 - 25 year olds for example will most likekly have this app running for at least an hour or two on a weekday. This app will help users build a life changing habit of deep focus studying. Reduce times spent on smart phone.

Scope: How well-formed is the scope for this app?

How technically challenging will it be to complete this app by the end of the program? //We can use the techniques taught in class to build our app Is a stripped-down version of this app still interesting to build? //Yes, it will have a timer and different studying methods How clearly defined is the product you want to build?

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

2. Screen Archetypes

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)




User Property Type Description
userPoints Number Number of points earned by user
image File Image that user posts
rankNumber Number Rank of user based on points earned
username String Name of user
password String Password to access user's account
studyTime Number Amount of time user studied


List of network requests by screen

5. GIFs

6. Demo Video