CodeReviewerAi / CodeReviewerBackend

Enter a function into the userInput and see if you should merge the function or not.
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What is CodeReviewer?

CodeReviewer is a tool that uses machine learning to help developers reviewing code. It is trained on a dataset of code from the hlxsites repositories and is able to predict how likely a given function is going to break in the future.

Current Accuracy: 73.19%

How does it work?

We save each functions first version(When it was first merged) and how often it was changed in the future. We then use this data to create embeddings for each function. We then use these embeddings to create a database using Qdrant. When a user uploads a function, we use the embeddings to find the 5 most similar functions in the database. We then use the number of times these functions were changed to predict how likely the user's function is to break in the future.

Quickstart Guide


Running the app