CodeSparks-org / CodeSparks
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Ignite Your Tech Sparks ❇️🎆✨🎇✴️

CodeSparks helps to transform ideas into reality through collaboration with people, programs, and AI. It is designed to empower you with your tech journey. ‍ Whether you're a curious beginner or a seasoned professional looking to explore new horizons, CodeSparks provides an open and engaging environment to develop your tech skills.

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Build, run, contributing

How to run

The project in this repo is ASP.NET Core app, so the only prerequisite is .NET 8 installed. Just use typical commands to run the project: dotnet build dotnet run or open folder/solution in your favourite IDE and run it.

How to run with database

If you would like to have a full dev experience - you also need to configure database. You need to do 3 simple things to configure database:

  1. Create a database in PostgreSQL. You need to install PostgreSQL for this. It's pretty cool database, which is usually supported fast for new version of EF Core. But you can use any database, in that case - you will need to change migration scripts. So, it may be easier to install Postgres.

  2. Check the appsettings.json file and change the connection string to match the database that you plan to user and run migrations. Or, even better - change your personal secrest.json file and add there something like:

    "ConnectionStrings:PostgresConnection": "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=CodeSparks;Username=user;Password=password"
  3. Apply migrations with

    dotnet ef database update


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Still something unclear or you just have a question?

Just add another item in the issues. We are happy to answer whatever is your request