CodeValet / codevalet

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GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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= Code Valet

image:[Gitter, link=] image:[Code Valet on Code Valet, link=]

image::[Code Valet is a Monkey]

== Joining Code Valet

Currently Code Valet is in private alpha, to receive updates on our progress and join the private alpha/public beta, please sign up for link:[our newsletter].

== Adding Plugins

The Jenkins masters which run in the Code Valet cluster will take the link:[latest core build] and build the master branch of all the plugins listed in plugins.txt in this repository, and all of those plugins' dependencies.

In order to propose a new plugin, submit a pull request editing plugins.txt with the name of the plugin repository under link:[].

== Meta

=== Problem

The link:[Jenkins] project faces a challenge unusual to other contemporary CI/CD tools in that it is downloaded and executed on a user's machine(s) rather than as a service. While this offers quite a lot of flexibility to the end-user, it puts Jenkins developers at a disadvantage for a number of reasons:

. There is no direct return line of feedback from where their code is executed. No error reports, etc. . There is a significant lag between developers releasing code and it being adopted/used.

=== Solution

A free service which provides basic CI/CD functions, with Jenkins as the core platform, to all open source repositories on link:[GitHub].

With a regularly updated "Jenkins distribution," consisting of many of the key plugins which people use, built from master, and rolled through the Code Valet cluster. Providing rapid, real-world, usage of Jenkins code.

=== Goals

. Provide a rapid feedback loop for Jenkins developers through real-world usage. . Introduce new people to the wonders of link:[Jenkins Pipeline] and link:[Blue Ocean].

== Success Stories

Below are a list of commits or pull requests created as a result of Code Valet: