dotly is a dotfiles framework built on top of zim, one of the fastest zsh existing frameworks. It creates an opinionated dotfiles structure to handle all your configs and scripts.
Using wget:
bash <(wget -qO-
Or using curl:
bash <(curl -s
You can safely install additional software and make any changes to the file system. Once you exit zsh the image is deleted.
git clone [your repository of dotfiles] $HOME/.dotfiles
cd $HOME/.dotfiles
git submodule update --init --recursive modules/dotly
DOTFILES_PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles" DOTLY_PATH="$DOTFILES_PATH/modules/dotly" "$DOTLY_PATH/bin/dot" self install
dot package import
Using wget
bash <(wget -qO-
Using curl
bash <(curl -s
🔒 You need to know your GitHub username, repository and install ssh key if your repository is private.
It also supports other git repos, but you need to know your git repository url.
Once dotly is installed, the next step is to commit and push your dotfiles. Create a new repository in your GitHub
named dotfiles
and then copy the url. Then go to your dotfiles (cd "$DOTFILES_PATH"
) and execute:
git remote add origin YOUR_DOTFILES_REPO_URL &&
git add -A &&
git commit -m "Initial commit" &&
git push origin main
⚠️ It's recommended to commit every time you add/modify a config or script.
is the core command of dotly. If you execute it, you'll see all your scripts.
{▸} ~ dot -h
dot <context>
dot <context> <script> [<args>...]
dot -h | --help
├── 📁 bin # External binaries/symlinks. This folder has preference in your $PATH
├── 📁 doc # Documentation of your dotfiles
├── 📁 editors # Settings of your editors (vscode, IDEA, …)
├── 📁 git # git config
├── 📁 langs # Config for programming languages/libraries
├── 📁 os # Specific config of your Operative System or apps
├── 📁 restoration_scripts # This will be execute when you restore your dotfiles in another computer/installation
├── 📁 scripts # Your custom scripts
├── 📁 shell # Bash/Zsh/Fish?… configuration files
└── 📁 symlinks # The config of your symlinks
dotly allows you to version your apps' config files. Once you've found the config to version you should:
cp ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json $DOTFILES_PATH/editors/code/settings.json
and add it.
E.g. ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json: editors/code/settings.json
dotly includes an opinionated, minimal, very fast and powerful theme by default. You can configure it using the
following parameters in your shell/
CODELY_THEME_MINIMAL=false|true # If true the theme will only show the prompt status
CODELY_THEME_MODE="dark"|"light" # Use dark if you use dark colors, light if light
CODELY_THEME_PROMPT_IN_NEW_LINE=false|true # If true the prompt will be in a newline
CODELY_THEME_PWD_MODE="short"|"full"|"home_relative" # short will show the first letter of each directory, full the full path and home_relative the full path relative to the $HOME dir
CODELY_THEME_STATUS_ICON_KO="▪" # The icon to show if the previous command failed. Useful if you're color blind
├── 📁 dotfiles
│ ├── create # Creates the dotfiles scructure
│ └── import # Import an existing dotfiles
├── 📁 git
│ ├── amend # Amend a commit
│ ├── apply-gitignore # Exlude all commited files that are inside the project .gitignore
│ ├── changed-files # Show all changed files to main
│ ├── commit # Add all files and then commit
│ ├── contributors # List contributors with number of commits
│ ├── find # Find commits by commit message
│ ├── pretty-diff # Show a pretty git diff using fzf (and copy selected path to the clipboard)
│ ├── pretty-log # Git log filtering
│ └── rm-file-history # Remove completely a file from the repo with its history
├── 📁 mac
│ ├── brew # Some brew utils
│ └── defaults # Some defaults utils to view your changes, import and export
├── 📁 package
│ ├── add # Install a package
│ ├── dump # Dump all installed packages
│ ├── import # Import previously dumped packages
│ └── update_all # Update all packages
├── 📁 self # Instead of `dot self` you can use direclty `dotly` in your terminal
│ ├── debug # Debug dotly
│ ├── install # Install dotly and setup dotfiles
│ ├── lint # Lint all dotly related bash files
│ ├── static_analysis # Static analysis of all dotly related bash files
│ └── update # Update dotly to the latest stable release
├── 📁 shell
│ └── zsh # ZSH helpers
└── 📁 symlinks
└── apply # Apply all symlinks
You can see the default aliases here. The most commonly used are:
: cd one directory upla
: ls all files/dirs with colorsup
: Update all your package managers packagesFor an in-depth look at the features offered by dotly, you can take a look at this video:
You can execute dot self debug
in parallel with another command to see the errors output.
A lot of dotly concepts has been inspired by denisidoro/dotfiles
MIT © CodelyTV