Codeneos / vlocode

Vlocity development extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
31 stars 5 forks source link
salesforce-developers salesforce-metadata sfdx visual-studio vlocity vlocity-datapacks vlocity-developers

Vlocode: Vlocity/Salesforce support libraries

This is the monorepo root for all @vlocode packages and the Vlocode VSCode extension. For information on the Vlocode VSCode extension click here.


Setup development environment

Vlocode uses pnpm as package manager and lerna release manager. To setup a developer environment for Vlocode you should always use the latest LTS version of node with corepack. VScode is the preferred IDE for developing and debugging.

$ corepack enable
$ corepack prepare $(node -p "require('./package.json').packageManager") --activate
pnpm install


Each vlocode package comes with unit tests. To run all tests simply run pnpm test from the root folder which will run all package tests. P

Vlocode uses jest as test runner and is pre-configured to generate a test converge report.

Note you should run pnpm build if you are not running a watcher to ensure that all packages are transpiled and linked under _nodemodules.