❤️ Amazing-Frontend-Templates ❤️
We are excited to be a part of
In this amazing Hacktober festival we Coders Evoke had come up with an amazing project.This is a very beginner friendly project especially targeted for those who are just started the web development or we can say who are just newbie in this and wanted get their hands dirty in this domain. In this project the participants needs to make very good looking responsive templates for example different types of navbars, footers , landing pages or anything using html,css,js .For this project participants need not have very good designing skills they can design this templates using normal css properties.Participants with good templates design are likely to merged in this repository.
If you are a begineer to open-source, then this is a one-stop place for you to contribute to issues with the tag HacktoberFest and you can also explore, connect with the mentors at Coders Evoke. So, what are you waiting for?🎉
Here's where you may post your questions and look for potential issues to contribute. We've put up a list of beginner-friendly issues ahead so you can get started as soon as Hacktoberfest begins! 🚀
Join our Coders Evoke Community and feel free to drop your questions on
## 💯 [Give our repo](https://github.com/Ayan-thecodeking/Amazing-Frontend-Templates.git) a star 🌟
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Ace the HacktoberFest like a pro⭐
Let's help each other to complete the Hacktoberfest challenge! 🚀
May the open-source be with you🎉🎉
## What is Coders Evoke?
[Coders Evoke](https://discord.gg/FZusE7FH4q) is a tech community all about sharing knowledge, posting achievements, participating in hackathons, discussions,collaborations and many more! We have a wide variety of topics however we’re always listening to suggestions from the community.
## Tech Stacks
This project is built using
## 📌 Getting Started ⭐
Refer to the following articles on the basics of Git and Github and can also contact the Project Mentors, in case you are stuck:
Fork the repository
Clone your forked repository using terminal or gitbash.
Make changes to the cloned repository
Add, Commit and Push
Then in GitHub, in your cloned repository, find the option to make a pull request.
---- Important Points About Project ----
- Avoid using frameworks
- Make sure the templates you are adding is responsive and unique
- Copied templates or designs won't be considered
- Avoid spams
- Make genuine contributions
- Adding Screenshots and recordings are mandatory to add while making a PR.
project Admin ❤️
## ⭐⭐ Do star this repository ⭐⭐