npm install -g titanium
. The appc npm package is not compatible.Yes. Calabash for Appcelerator Titanium (vanilla and Alloy) iOS and Android This includes to physical devices as well as Simulators/Emulators
Install the module with: npm install -g ticalabash
Enter the password you normally enter for sudo
when requested.
Use sudo before npm install if you get an Error: EACCES
Appcelerator installs npm in such a way that it requires on a Mac or Linux that you use sudo. This is technically wrong when viewed by from the Node.js perspective. The following explanation is how to fix this issue.
No Warranty is provided for this solution.
Don't use sudo npm install
yourself, because it is bad practice and will break the installation process. It's better to correctly set the permissions on the /usr/local
directory instead, so you don't have to ever use sudo
again when installing npm packages.
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
This solution presumes you are a single user on the machine.
To test TiCalabash, create a default Alloy application and run:
ti calabash --platform=[android,ios]
After lots of compiling, you should see:
Feature: Home Screen
As an App Developer
I want to see an example feature work on a default alloy app
So that I can start using TiCalabash quickly
Scenario: See Home Screen # features/home_screen.feature:6
Given I am on the Home Screen # features/step_definitions/ticalabash_custom_steps.rb:1
Then I should see text containing "Hello, World" # calabash-cucumber-0.11.3/features/step_definitions/calabash_steps.rb:384
And take picture # calabash-cucumber-0.11.3/features/step_definitions/calabash_steps.rb:229
1 scenario (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)
The picture/screenshot is named screenshot_X.png
and can be found in:
folder.Because TiCalabash is wrapping Calabash, please use Calabash's documentation to learn how to use Calabash together with Cucumber:
(The iOS documentation is far superior to the Android documentation and is mostly valid for Android as well).
If you don't have a features directory at the project root level, it will be created.
The ti calabash
command will rebuild your Android or iOS app every time.
Querying your UI
Recording Touches
Recording of touches is currently not supported, for two reasons: is producing a two part series on how to use TiCalabash.
TiCalabash:Getting Started
[TiCalabash: Intermediate Testing -- Coming Aug 11,2015]()
After these two episode are releases, Codex Labs, LLC will be checking the feedback to see if producting an Advanced episode has enough interest. stay tuned :-)
The following slide deck may be of use: TiCalabash: Fully automated Acceptance Testing @ TiConf EU 2014
If you want to integrate TiCalabash in Jenkins, use the following configuration:
cd ~/Desktop/ticonf2014testappdemo/alloytest # or actually pull from git.
titanium clean titanium build --platform=iphone --test &
sleep 30
killall "iPhone Simulator"
export PATH=“/Users/andrewmcelroy/.rbenv/shims:/Users/andrewmcelroy/bin:/usr/local/bin: /Users/andrewmcelroy/.rbenv/bin:/Users/andrewmcelroy/android/tools:/Users/andrewmcelroy/android/: /Users/andrewmcelroy/android//tools:/Users/andrewmcelroy/android/platform-tools/:/usr/bin:/bin: /usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:"
echo | titanium calabash —platform=iphone
cd ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.1/Applications/
AppGUID = $(find . -name "alloytest" | cut -d "/" -f 2)
cp "~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.1/Applications/$AppGUID/Documents/jenkins.xml" $WORKSPACE/jenkins.xml
Make sure you replace the folders with the actual folders on your system.
soon. A strider module that seamlessly integrates with TiCalabash is coming whenever Andrew can finish the module.
Training by Codex Labs for TiCalabash is in the planning stage.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
1.1.2 - Updated calabash-android to 0.5.5 and calabash-cucumber to 0.12.2 ( iOS 8 compatibility) 1.0.4 - Added Sample features
1.0.0 - TiCalabash wraps calabash
License: MIT (c) 2014 Matt Apperson / Apperson Labs Andrew McElroy / Codex Labs, LLC