Coding-Club-IITG / Open-Source-Tasks-2023

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Open Source Module


We hope you have gone through the resources and understood the basics of Git and GitHub which is essential for contributing to open source projects Now it's time to test your understanding through a task. The task has been divided into 3 subtasks with increasing level of difficulty. The points associated with the tasks also increase proportionately with their difficulty.

Also note that it is not mandatory to attempt all the subtasks. You can attempt whichever task you want. However, attempting more tasks will increase your chances of selection for interviews.

Sub Task 1 :

Sub Task 2:

Sub Task 3:

Create a Github Action in a new repository demonstrating a simple and creative workflow. It's upto the participants on what they want to build. For this task, participants will be judged on the creativity of the workflow they will implement with Github Action.


You can also create useful github action for proper deployment or CI/CD.

Try to be as creative as possible ;)


Though doing all the tasks is not necessary, the more you will attempt the better the chances will be of getting higher points from Heads.