CodingWithDavid / StaticToBlazor

7 part series on converting a free bootstrap template into a Blazor app
MIT License
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Static Template to Blazor Application

This project was created to in an effort to see what it would take to take a free Bootstrap templete and make it into a blazor Application. This is part 1 in a 7 part series.

by David Gallivan


Blazor is a new and exciting new SPA framework that allows me to build interactive web applications using C#. You can not get the true feel for a new framework unless you implmenet several differnet soltions. This is just one new solution to try.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
    cd StaticToBlazor
  2. Open in Visual Studio or Visual Code a. With Visual Code you will need to install the C# extensions

  3. Press F5

What's in the App

Step one in converting a free Bootstrap template into a Blazor application.

Problems or Suggestions

Open an issue here

Thank You
