Coelacanths / skillsource

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The goal of this application is to allow users to create courses containing steps necessary to create a skill. Users have access to joining courses and following the steps set out by the creator in order to learn the skill.

Tech Stack

Frontend Framework: React.js
Middleware for handling routing: Express.js
Backend server: Node.js
Database: MySQL
Database ORM: Sequelize

Features implemented

Live-search on browse page
Users can now reply to comments
Each step has an estimated time to complete
Browse version of components show estimated time to complete the entire course
When creating steps, users can choose to upload images
Image uploads now handled by cloudinary
Implements microservice to capture screenshots and save to cloudinary
Adds css grid styling to browse page with previews of the steps
Adds a setting page for users to edit their email, password, and email preference settings
Server side, implements automatic daily emails when new users enroll in someone's created courses
Server side, implements automatic check if a user's courses are halfway through estimated time and emails a reminder
Users can edit their created courses

Setup Dev Environment

npm install
npm start

Database Setup

In one tab, ensure mysql is running by entering:

mysql.server start

If you are interested in accessing your database, enter:

mysql -u root -p

No password is required. Double hit enter key to enter mysql


npm start runs webpack --watch and nodemon server/index.js concurrently

You can visit the site at localhost:3000