ColinDabritz / rails_lab_coat

Tools for doing rails science! (and cleaning up after yourself)
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Rails Lab Coat

Tools for doing rails science! (and cleaning up after yourself)

The purpose of lab coat is to provide an easy, safe learning environment for ruby on rails. We found that often new developers in our rails community spent their entire first evening just attempting to get a working rails environment on their computers, and even then many were unsuccessful. Lab coat can get a new developer running rails in less than 10 minutes (a bit longer if they are unfamiliar with the command line). Later on, once they are more familiar with the environment, and tools, they can transition to a 'native' install on their main system with much more confidence and explore from there. It also provides a nice 'baseline' environment for experimentation, or teaching in a computer lab environment.


Installers may be provided on the same thumb drive

End users

This should open the rails application, displaying the default rails welcome page. If this isn't working for you, check that you followed each the steps.

Housekeeping: When a VM is running, (for example after vagrant up), it consumes resources, especially memory. When not in use, it is helpful to 'park' your virtual machine. Here are some useful vagrant commands, which you run on your primary machine in the rails_lab_coat folder.

If the virtual machine is in a bad state, just remember: vagrant destroy && vagrant up This command resets the VM to it's "factory default", although it will keep your shared directory.

Build Process

The repository here provides the tools to create a rails_lab_coat folder with a pre-made vagrant box file and vagrant file to set up a virtual machine ready for ruby-on-rails development. It was build for weekly user group use, and is intended to be rebuilt for each event to keep the system current.

This build script has worked on an OSX Mountain Lion laptop with git, virtual box, and vagrant installed. It may work on a similarly configured linux machine, but it has not been tested. The primary script is a bash script and will probably not work on windows.


This VM provides:

This VM does NOT provide:

These are great things to have, but distract from the main goal of a simple starter environment. These may be added to your own machine once you learn to manage an environment, or you are welcome to fork the repository and create VM customizations for your own lab use.

Let me know what I forgot!

troubleshooting and fixes

Issues running labcoat:

Build failiure issues: