ColinIanKing / fwts

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README for the FirmWare Test Suite (fwts)

Quick Start Guide

1) Dependencies:

Ubuntu Distro x86_64 autoconf automake libglib2.0-dev libtool libpcre3-dev flex bison dkms libfdt-dev libbsd-dev

Ubuntu Distro ppc64el autoconf automake libglib2.0-dev libtool libpcre3-dev flex bison dkms libfdt-dev device-tree-compiler libpci-dev libbsd-dev

RHEL Distro ppc64el autoconf automake kernel-devel libtool flex flex-devel bison dkms libfdt libfdt-devel dtc pcre-devel pcre2 pcre2-devel pcre2-utf16 pcre2-utf32 glib2 glib2-devel pciutils pciutils-devel zlib-devel make libbsd-devel

Ubuntu Distro ARM64 autoconf automake libglib2.0-dev libtool libpcre3-dev flex bison dkms libfdt-dev libbsd-dev

2) Kernel configuration

Some tests depend on special Linux kernel configuration settings. These include:

3) To build and install (only if building from source)

autoreconf -ivf
sudo make install

To get help:

fwts --help

To run all the default tests, use:

sudo fwts

..this will dump the results into results.log

To see the available tests, use:

fwts --show-tests

Advanced Options Guide

Running Specific Tests

Run specific tests, e.g. check syntax of DSDT:

sudo fwts syntaxcheck

You can run multiple tests too:

sudo fwts syntaxcheck fan battery

To see all the available tests:

sudo fwts --show-tests-full

Changing the output

To dump the results to another file:

sudo fwts --results-output=myresults.log

or the short form:

sudo fwts -r myresults.log

or to stderr or stdout and redirect:

sudo fwts -r stderr
sudo fwts -r stdout > mylog.log

or a shorter form for stdout:

sudo fwts - > mylog.log

If the output is written to stdout, the width of the log is based on the width of the tty. The default width when writing to a log file may be changed to N characters wide using -w N or --log-width=N, e.g.

sudo fwts --log-width=90 - > mylog.log

The log has various columns that can be enabled, here is an example:

00012 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm Test ACPI Wakealarm. 00013 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm ------------------------------------------------------------- 00014 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm Test 1 of 4: Check existence of /sys/class/rtc/rtc0 00015 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm /wakealarm. 00016 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm PASSED: Test 1, /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm found. 00017 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm
00018 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm Test 2 of 4: Trigger wakealarm for 1 seconds in the future. 00019 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 1 seconds in the future. 00020 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm PASSED: Test 2, RTC wakealarm was triggered successfully. 00021 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm
00022 13/12/12 12:55:04 wakealarm Test 3 of 4: Check if wakealarm is fired. 00023 13/12/12 12:55:07 wakealarm PASSED: Test 3, RTC wakealarm triggered and fired 00024 13/12/12 12:55:07 wakealarm successfully. 00025 13/12/12 12:55:07 wakealarm
00026 13/12/12 12:55:07 wakealarm Test 4 of 4: Multiple wakealarm firing tests. 00027 13/12/12 12:55:07 wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 1 seconds in the future. 00028 13/12/12 12:55:09 wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 2 seconds in the future. 00029 13/12/12 12:55:12 wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 3 seconds in the future. 00030 13/12/12 12:55:16 wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 4 seconds in the future. 00031 13/12/12 12:55:21 wakealarm PASSED: Test 4, RTC wakealarm triggered and fired 00032 13/12/12 12:55:21 wakealarm successfully. 00033 13/12/12 12:55:21 wakealarm
00034 13/12/12 12:55:21 wakealarm ============================================================= 00035 13/12/12 12:55:21 wakealarm 4 passed, 0 failed, 0 warnings, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 0 info 00036 13/12/12 12:55:21 wakealarm only. 00037 13/12/12 12:55:21 wakealarm ============================================================ ^ ^ ^ ^
+--- %owner (name of test that ran)
+--- %time
+--- %date

+--- %line (line number)

Also, there is an optional %field that indicates the type of message being logged:

sudo fwts wakealarm --log-format="%line %date %time %field %owner"

..this generates results.log containing:

00013 13/12/12 12:53:11 HED wakealarm Test ACPI Wakealarm. 00014 13/12/12 12:53:11 SEP wakealarm --------------------------------------------------------- 00015 13/12/12 12:53:11 INF wakealarm Test 1 of 4: Check existence of /sys/class/rtc/rtc0 00016 13/12/12 12:53:11 INF wakealarm /wakealarm. 00017 13/12/12 12:53:11 PAS wakealarm PASSED: Test 1, /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm found. 00018 13/12/12 12:53:11 NLN wakealarm
00019 13/12/12 12:53:11 INF wakealarm Test 2 of 4: Trigger wakealarm for 1 seconds in the 00020 13/12/12 12:53:11 INF wakealarm future. 00021 13/12/12 12:53:11 INF wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 1 seconds in the future. 00022 13/12/12 12:53:11 PAS wakealarm PASSED: Test 2, RTC wakealarm was triggered successfully. 00023 13/12/12 12:53:11 NLN wakealarm
00024 13/12/12 12:53:11 INF wakealarm Test 3 of 4: Check if wakealarm is fired. 00025 13/12/12 12:53:14 PAS wakealarm PASSED: Test 3, RTC wakealarm triggered and fired 00026 13/12/12 12:53:14 PAS wakealarm successfully. 00027 13/12/12 12:53:14 NLN wakealarm
00028 13/12/12 12:53:14 INF wakealarm Test 4 of 4: Multiple wakealarm firing tests. 00029 13/12/12 12:53:14 INF wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 1 seconds in the future. 00030 13/12/12 12:53:16 INF wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 2 seconds in the future. 00031 13/12/12 12:53:19 INF wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 3 seconds in the future. 00032 13/12/12 12:53:23 INF wakealarm Trigger wakealarm for 4 seconds in the future. 00033 13/12/12 12:53:28 PAS wakealarm PASSED: Test 4, RTC wakealarm triggered and fired 00034 13/12/12 12:53:28 PAS wakealarm successfully. 00035 13/12/12 12:53:28 NLN wakealarm
00036 13/12/12 12:53:28 SEP wakealarm ========================================================= 00037 13/12/12 12:53:28 SUM wakealarm 4 passed, 0 failed, 0 warnings, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 0 00038 13/12/12 12:53:28 SUM wakealarm info only. 00039 13/12/12 12:53:28 SEP wakealarm ========================================================= ^

RES = result (PASSED or FAILED) ERR = error (something fatal happened!) WRN = warning (not a critical failure, but may need looking at) DBG = debug output (deprecated) INF = information fields SUM = summary NLN = new line (empty field) ADV = advice information HED = heading TAG = tag information SEP = separator (just pretty printing) PAS = Test Passed FAL = Test Failed SKP = Test Skipped ABT = Test Aborted INO = Information only

use: fwts --log-fields to show all available fields

One can filter on these fields using --log-filter, e.g.

sudo fwts --log-filter=RES,SUM  

.. just collect results and summary of tests

sudo fwts --log-filter=ALL,~SEP

.. all fields except the separators

One can also re-arrange or modify the log format using --log-format, e.g.

sudo fwts --log-format="%line %field %time: " mtrr -

this produces:

00011 SEP 12:13:07: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00012 INF 12:13:07: MTRR overview 00013 INF 12:13:07: ------------- 00014 INF 12:13:07: Reg 0: 0x00000000ffc00000 - 0x0000000100000000 ( 4 MB) Write-Protect 00015 INF 12:13:07: Reg 1: 0x0000000000000000 - 0x0000000080000000 ( 2048 MB) Write-Back 00016 INF 12:13:07: Reg 2: 0x0000000080000000 - 0x00000000c0000000 ( 1024 MB) Write-Back 00017 INF 12:13:07: Reg 3: 0x00000000c0000000 - 0x00000000e0000000 ( 512 MB) Write-Back 00018 INF 12:13:07: Reg 4: 0x00000000dc000000 - 0x00000000e0000000 ( 64 MB) Uncached 00019 INF 12:13:07: Reg 5: 0x00000000db000000 - 0x00000000dc000000 ( 16 MB) Uncached 00020 INF 12:13:07: Reg 6: 0x0000000100000000 - 0x0000000180000000 ( 2048 MB) Write-Back 00021 INF 12:13:07: Reg 7: 0x0000000180000000 - 0x00000001a0000000 ( 512 MB) Write-Back 00022 INF 12:13:07: Reg 8: 0x000000019f000000 - 0x00000001a0000000 ( 16 MB) Uncached 00023 INF 12:13:07: Reg 9: 0x000000019e800000 - 0x000000019f000000 ( 8 MB) Uncached 00024 NLN 12:13:07: 00025 INF 12:13:07: Test 1 of 3: Validate the kernel MTRR IOMEM setup. 00026 PAS 12:13:07: PASSED: Test 1, Memory ranges seem to have correct attributes. 00027 NLN 12:13:07: 00028 INF 12:13:07: Test 2 of 3: Validate the MTRR setup across all processors. 00029 PAS 12:13:07: PASSED: Test 2, All processors have the a consistent MTRR setup. 00030 NLN 12:13:07: 00031 INF 12:13:07: Test 3 of 3: Check for AMD MtrrFixDramModEn being cleared by the BIOS. 00032 SKP 12:13:07: SKIPPED: Test 3, CPU is not an AMD, cannot test. 00033 NLN 12:13:07: 00034 SEP 12:13:07: ================================================================================ 00035 SUM 12:13:07: 2 passed, 0 failed, 0 warnings, 0 aborted, 1 skipped, 0 info only. 00036 SEP 12:13:07: ================================================================================

Available fields are:

%line - log line number %time - current time %date - current date %owner - name of the test program (the owner of the the current test) %field - the 3 letter record identifier field (e.g. SEP, RES, etc..)

Test Progress Feedback

Use the --show-progress to dump out the test progress to stderr. Output is as follows:

Test: Test ACPI Wakealarm.
Check existence of /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm. 1 passed
Trigger wakealarm for 1 seconds in the future. 1 passed
Check if wakealarm is fired. 1 passed
Multiple wakealarm firing tests. 1 passed


The --stdout-summary flag outputs to stdout PASSED or FAILED if test(s) passed or failed. It's essentially for one-shot test modes where you want to run one test and see if it passed or failed without having to look at the results log, e.g.

sudo fwts mtrr --stdout-summary

The exit code returns 1 for test failure and 0 for test success, so the test suite can be run from a shell script and one can detect if the test worked or not, e.g.


LOG=stdout sudo fwts dmi_decode --results-output=$LOG failed=$?


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